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A Fox Renderfarm Completou o Processo Anual de Avaliação da TPN para 2022!

A Fox Renderfarm Completou o Processo Anual de Avaliação da TPN para 2022!


Fox News


Como sua TPN-Acreditada render farm e oferecedor de cloud rendering, a Fox Renderfarm sempre teve o compromisso de fornecer serviços agrícolas rápidos e seguros aos clientes e concluímos o processo anual de avaliação da Rede de Parceiros de Confiança(TPN) para 2022!O que é TPN?A Trusted Partner Network (TPN) pertence e é administrada pela Motion Picture Association (MPA), líder em avaliações da indústria de entretenimento de terceiros. A MPA é uma associação comercial americana sem fins lucrativos com o objetivo de promover a proteção efetiva dos direitos autorais, reduzir a pirataria e expandir o acesso ao mercado. Como uma das corporações mais autorizadas na proteção de filmes e conteúdo de TV, a avaliação TPN é bem reconhecida por conglomerados como Walt Disney Studios, Universal City Studios, Warner Bros., Netflix Studios e assim por diante.Por que Precisamos da TPN?A segurança de conteúdo e dados sempre tem sido uma preocupação global na indústria cinematográfica e televisiva, especialmente após um pré-lançamento em série de alto nível em 2017. Estes incluem o roubo e o lançamento de "Orange Is the New Black" da temporada 5 episódios de uma empresa de pós-produção de áudio e um episódio da temporada 7 do "Game of Thrones" que deu origem a funcionários de um fornecedor de gerenciamento de dados que trabalhava com a 21st Century Foxs Star India. O pesadelo da pirataria continuou depois que a Netflix se recusou a pagar o resgate solicitado. O grupo hacker The Dark Overlord carregou grande parte da "Orange Is the New Black" da temporada 5 online através do serviço ilegal de compartilhamento de arquivos e continuou postando mensagens arrogantes e até mesmo repreendendo online. Grandes danos foram causados aos principais estúdios de produção de Hollywood e à saúde de toda a indústria.A Trusted Partner Network (TPN) é uma nova iniciativa global de proteção de conteúdo de filmes e televisão para toda a indústria. O programa TPN ajuda as empresas a evitar vazamentos, violações e hacks de filmes e shows de televisão de seus clientes antes de seu lançamento pretendido e procura aumentar a conscientização, preparação e capacidades de segurança dentro da indústria. Ela funciona como uma câmara de compensação global que estabelecerá padrões de segurança para empresas de produção e distribuição de entretenimento. Os parceiros que passarem por uma avaliação independente em conformidade com as melhores práticas da indústria serão listados como "parceiros de confiança" no catálogo da TPN."Criar os filmes e programas de televisão desfrutados por audiências em todo o mundo requer cada vez mais uma rede de vendedores e técnicos especializados", disse o presidente e CEO da MPA, Charles Rivkin, em uma declaração. "É por isso que manter altos padrões de segurança para todas as operações de terceiros - do roteiro à tela - é uma parte tão importante para evitar o roubo de obras criativas e, em última instância, proteger os empregos e a saúde de nossa vibrante economia criativa".Como a TPN Funciona?O processo de avaliação da TPN é altamente rigoroso com requisitos de segurança detalhados sobre segurança física, gerenciamento de ativos, ciclo de vida do conteúdo, segurança empresarial, avaliação de risco, gerenciamento de vulnerabilidade, operações de segurança e resposta a incidentes, política e procedimentos, processos de recursos humanos e, o mais importante, infra-estrutura. Além disso, os fornecedores avaliados são obrigados a fazer a reavaliação anual a cada ano para melhorar continuamente o sistema de segurança a fim de melhor atender aos padrões de avaliação da TPN. Os relatórios de avaliação são compartilhados dentro da plataforma TPN e também podem ser compartilhados com clientes existentes e potenciais, a critério do fornecedor.Fox Renderfarm x TPNCom os incansáveis esforços e compromisso de construir uma render farm mais segura que proteja melhor a privacidade de nossos amados clientes, a Fox Renderfarm completou com sucesso as Melhores Práticas de Segurança de Conteúdo da MPA e se tornou oficialmente um Parceiro de Confiança da TPN!A missão da Fox Renderfarm é ser a melhor cloud render farm com poderosa capacidade de renderização, atendimento ao cliente atencioso, proteção de dados seguros e esquema de preços flexível.Como um parceiro credenciado pela TPN, a Fox Renderfarm persistirá em seus passos para melhorar as soluções de cloud rendering para ser mais amigável ao cliente e também ser um dos mais seguros.

Fox Renderfarm、TPN認定クラウドレンダーファーム

Fox Renderfarm、TPN認定クラウドレンダーファーム


Fox Renderfarm News


Fox Renderfarmは、2019年に新たなマイルストーンに達しました。お客様のプライバシーを保護するため、より安全なクラウドレンダリングファームを構築するための絶え間ない努力とコミットメントにより、Shenzhen Rayvision Technology(Fox Renderfarmの会社)は、MPAAのコンテンツセキュリティベストを無事に完了し、正式にTPN信頼できるパートナーになりました。TPNとは何ですか?信頼できるパートナーネットワーク(TPN)は、2つの主要なエンターテイメント業界の巨人、アメリカ映画協会(MPAA)とサードパーティのエンターテイメント業界評価の世界的リーダーであるContent Delivery&Security Association(CDSA)のジョイントベンチャーです。 MPAAは、効果的な著作権保護の促進、著作権侵害の削減、および市場アクセスの拡大を目的とした非営利のアメリカの業界団体です。一方、CDSAは、リリース前後のサプライチェーン全体でエンターテイメントメディアを保護する国際的なコンテンツ保護協会です。最も権威のある映画およびテレビコンテンツ保護企業の1つとして、TPN評価は、ウォルトディズニースタジオ、ユニバーサルシティスタジオ、ワーナーブラザーズ、Netflixスタジオなどの大企業によって高く評価されています。なぜTPNが必要なのですか?コンテンツとデータのセキュリティは、映画とテレビ業界で常に世界的な関心事でした。特に2017年の注目度の高いプレリリースリークが発生しました。これには、「Orange Is the New Black」シーズン5エピソードの盗難とリリースが含まれますオーディオポストプロダクション会社と、「Game of Thrones」シーズン7のエピソードであり、21世紀フォックスのスターインドで働くデータ管理ベンダーの従業員に由来します。 Netflixが要求された身代金の支払いを拒否した後、ハッキングの悪夢は続きました。ハッカーグループThe Dark Overlordは、「Orange Is the New Black」シーズン5の多くを違法なファイル共有サービスを通じてオンラインでアップロードし、online慢なメッセージやevenるメッセージをオンラインで投稿し続けました。ハリウッドの主要なプロダクションスタジオと業界全体の健康に大きな損害が発生しました。トラステッドパートナーネットワーク(TPN)は、業界規模の新しいグローバルな映画およびテレビコンテンツ保護イニシアチブです。 TPNプログラムは、企業が意図したリリースの前に顧客の映画やテレビ番組の漏洩、侵害、ハッキングを防止し、業界内のセキュリティ意識、準備、能力を高めることを目指しています。エンターテインメント制作および配信会社のセキュリティ基準を設定するグローバルな情報センターとして機能します。これらの業界のベストプラクティスに準拠した独立した評価に合格したパートナーは、TPNディレクトリに「信頼できるパートナー」としてリストされます。MPAA会長兼CEOのチャールズリブキンは声明で次のように述べています。 「だからこそ、スクリプトからスクリーンまで、すべてのサードパーティの操作に対して高いセキュリティ基準を維持することは、創造的な作品の盗難を防ぎ、最終的に活気のある創造的な経済の仕事と健康を守る重要な部分です。」TPNはどのように機能しますか?TPN評価プロセスは、物理的セキュリティ、資産管理、コンテンツライフサイクル、エンタープライズセキュリティ、リスク評価、脆弱性管理、セキュリティ運用とインシデント対応、ポリシーと手順、人事プロセスなどの詳細なセキュリティ要件に加えて、非常に重要です。 、インフラストラクチャ。さらに、評価されたベンダーは、毎年の再評価を行って、セキュリティシステムを継続的に改善し、TPN評価基準をよりよく満たす必要があります。評価レポートはTPNプラットフォーム内で共有され、ベンダーの裁量で既存および潜在的な顧客と共有することもできます。Fox Renderfarm x TPNFox Renderfarmの使命は、強力なレンダリング能力、思いやりのある顧客サービス、安全なデータ保護、柔軟な価格設定スキームを備えた最高の「クラウドレンダリングファーム」になることです。「あなたのガバナンスプログラム(つまり、管理システム)は印象的でした。 ポリシーと手順の観点からは非常に徹底的でした」とTPN評価者のJamesBourne氏はコメントしました。「Rayvision(Fox Renderfarmの会社)は、MPAAのコンテンツセキュリティのベストプラクティスを正確に採用および実装しました...これでTPN認定を受けました。」TPN認定パートナーとして、Fox Renderfarmは、「クラウドレンダリング」ソリューションをより顧客フレンドリーで安全なものにするためのステップを継続します。

Fox Renderfarmは、2022年の年間TPN評価を終えました!

Fox Renderfarmは、2022年の年間TPN評価を終えました!


Fox News


TPN認定のクラウドレンダーファームとして、Fox Renderfarmは常にお客様に迅速で安全なレンダーファームサービスを提供しております。この度は2022年度の信頼できるパートナーネットワーク評価を完了しました。TPNとは?信頼できるパートナーネットワーク(TPN)とは、第三者のエンターテイメント業界評価リーダーであるMotion Picture Association (MPA)によって所有および管理されています。 MPAは著作権保護の促進および海賊版を減らすことで、市場拡大を目的とした、アメリカの非営利団体です。最も権威のある映画およびテレビコンテンツ著作権保護会社の1つとして、TPNはウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオ、ユニバーサル・シティ・スタジオ、ワーナー・ブラザース、Netflixスタジオなどの複合企業にも承認されています。なぜTPNが必要なのですか?コンテンツとデータのセキュリティは、映画とテレビ業界で常に世界的な関心事でした。特に2017年の注目度の高いプレリリースリークが発生しました。これには、「Orange Is the New Black」シーズン5エピソードの盗難とリリースが含まれますオーディオポストプロダクション会社と、「Game of Thrones」シーズン7のエピソードであり、21世紀フォックスのスターインドで働くデータ管理ベンダーの従業員に由来します。 Netflixが要求された身代金の支払いを拒否した後、ハッキングの悪夢は続きました。ハッカーグループThe Dark Overlordは、「Orange Is the New Black」シーズン5の多くを違法なファイル共有サービスを通じてオンラインでアップロードし、online慢なメッセージやevenるメッセージをオンラインで投稿し続けました。ハリウッドの主要なプロダクションスタジオと業界全体の健康に大きな損害が発生しました。トラステッドパートナーネットワーク(TPN)は、業界規模の新しいグローバルな映画およびテレビコンテンツ保護イニシアチブです。 TPNプログラムは、企業が意図したリリースの前に顧客の映画やテレビ番組の漏洩、侵害、ハッキングを防止し、業界内のセキュリティ意識、準備、能力を高めることを目指しています。エンターテインメント制作および配信会社のセキュリティ基準を設定するグローバルな情報センターとして機能します。これらの業界のベストプラクティスに準拠した独立した評価に合格したパートナーは、TPNディレクトリに「信頼できるパートナー」としてリストされます。MPAA会長兼CEOのチャールズリブキンは声明で次のように述べています。 「だからこそ、スクリプトからスクリーンまで、すべてのサードパーティの操作に対して高いセキュリティ基準を維持することは、創造的な作品の盗難を防ぎ、最終的に活気のある創造的な経済の仕事と健康を守る重要な部分です。」TPNはどのように機能しますかTPN評価プロセスは、物理的セキュリティ、資産管理、コンテンツライフサイクル、エンタープライズセキュリティ、リスク評価、脆弱性管理、セキュリティ運用とインシデント対応、ポリシーと手順、人事プロセスなどの詳細なセキュリティ要件に加えて、非常に重要です。 、インフラストラクチャ。さらに、評価されたベンダーは、毎年の再評価を行って、セキュリティシステムを継続的に改善し、TPN評価基準をよりよく満たす必要があります。評価レポートはTPNプラットフォーム内で共有され、ベンダーの裁量で既存および潜在的な顧客と共有することもできます。Fox Renderfarm x TPNFox Renderfarmの使命は、強力なレンダリング能力、思いやりのある顧客サービス、安全なデータ保護、柔軟な価格設定スキームを備えた最高の「クラウドレンダリングファーム」になることです。「あなたのガバナンスプログラム(つまり、管理システム)は印象的でした。 ポリシーと手順の観点からは非常に徹底的でした」とTPN評価者のJamesBourne氏はコメントしました。「Rayvision(Fox Renderfarmの会社)は、MPAAのコンテンツセキュリティのベストプラクティスを正確に採用および実装しました...これでTPN認定を受けました。」 TPN認定パートナーとして、Fox Renderfarmは、「クラウドレンダリング」ソリューションをより顧客フレンドリーで安全なものにするためのステップを継続します。

Fox Renderfarm, 2022년 연간 TPN 평가 프로세스 완료

Fox Renderfarm, 2022년 연간 TPN 평가 프로세스 완료


Fox News


폭스렌더팜은 2022년 연간 TPN 평가 프로세스 완료했고 2011년 설립 이래 사용자에게 보다 안전하고 빠른 클라우드 렌더링을 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있으며, 이러한 방향으로 꾸준히 노력할 것입니다. 모든 이용자분의 지지과 사랑에 감사드립니다!TPN이란 무엇인가?TPN(Trusted Partner Network)은 미국 영화협회(MPAA)와 CDSA(Content Delivery &x26; Security Association)가 만든 콘텐츠 보안 인증제도이자 제3자 엔터테인먼트 산업 평가의 세계적인 리더입니다. MPAA는 효과적인 저작권 보호를 촉진하고 불법 복제를 줄이며 시장 접근을 확대하는 것을 목표로 하는 비영리 미국 무역 협회이며 CDSA는 출시 전후에 공급망 전체에서 엔터테인먼트 미디어를 보호하는 국제 콘텐츠 보호 협회입니다. 가장 권위 있는 영화 및 TV 콘텐츠 보호 기업 중 하나인 TPN 평가는 Walt Disney Studios, Universal City Studios, Warner Bros., Netflix Studios 등과 같은 대기업에서 잘 알려져 있습니다.TPN이 왜 필요한가?콘텐츠와 데이터 보안은 영화 및 TV 산업에서 항상 세계적인 관심사였으며, 특히 2017년에 연속적으로 발생한 유출 사건 이래 더욱 화제가 되었습니다. 그중에는 '오렌지 이즈 더 뉴 블랙' 시즌5는 오디오 후기 제작사에서 도난과 유출됐고, '왕좌의 게임' 시즌7은 21세기 폭스의 스타인디아와 제휴한 데이터 관리 공급업체 직원들에 의해 유출됐습니다. 넷플릭스가 요구한 몸값 지불을 거부한 뒤에 해킹조직 더 다크 오버롤드는 불법 파일공유 서비스를 통해 “오렌지 이즈 더 뉴 블랙” 시즌7의 대부분을 인터넷에 올리고 오만하고 욕설까지 퍼부었고 할리우드의 주요 제작 스튜디오와 산업 전반의 건강에 막대한 피해를 주었습니다.TPN(Trusted Partner Network)은 업계 전반에 걸친 새로운 글로벌 영화 및 TV 콘텐츠 보호 이니셔티브로 기업이 고객의 영화 및 TV 프로그램이 의도된 출시 전에 누출, 침해 및 해킹을 방지하고 업계 내 보안 인식, 대비 및 기능을 높이는 데 도움이 되고 엔터테인먼트 제작 및 배급 회사의 보안 표준을 설정하는 글로벌 교환소 역할을 합니다. 해당 업계 모범 사례를 준수하는 독립적인 평가를 통과한 파트너는 TPN 디렉토리에 "신뢰할 수 있는 파트너"로 나열됩니다."전 세계 관객들이 즐기는 영화와 텔레비전 쇼를 만드는 것은 점점 더 전문화된 판매업자들과 기술자들의 네트워크를 필요로 합니다. 그래서 스크립트에서 스크린에 이르기까지 모든 공급업자 작업에 대해 높은 보안 표준을 유지하는 것이 크리에이티브 작업의 도난을 방지하고 궁극적으로 업계와 활기찬 크리에이티브 경제의 건강을 보호하는 데 매우 중요한 역할을 합니다." 라고 MPAA 회장 겸 CEO인 Charles Rivkin은 설명했습니다.TPN은 어떻게 작동한가?TPN 평가 프로세스는 물리적 보안, 자산 관리, 콘텐츠 수명 주기, 엔터프라이즈 보안, 위험 평가, 취약성 관리, 보안 운영 및 사고 대응, 정책 및 절차, 인적 자원 프로세스, 그리고 가장 중요한 것에 대한 세부 보안 요구 사항과 함께 매우 엄격합니다. 또한 평가된 공급업체는 TPN 평가 표준을 더 잘 충족할 수 있도록 보안 시스템을 지속적으로 개선하기 위해 매년 연간 재평가를 수행해야 합니다. 평가 보고서는 TPN 플랫폼 내에서 공유되며 공급업체의 재량에 따라 기존 및 잠재 고객과 공유할 수도 있습니다.Fox Renderfarm x TPNFox Renderfarm은 고객의 개인 정보를 보다 안전하게 보호하는 클라우드 렌더 팜을 구축하기 위한 끊임없는 노력으로 MPAA의 “Content Security Best Practice”를 성공적으로 완료하고 공식적으로 TPN Trusted Partner가 되었습니다!Fox Renderfarm의 사명은 강력한 렌더링 용량, 친절한 고객 서비스, 안전한 데이터 보호 및 유연한 가격 체계를 갖춘 최고의 클라우드 렌더 팜이 되는 것입니다. TPN 파트너로 더욱 고객 친화적하고 안전한 클라우드 렌더링 제공 업체가 되겠습니다.

Fox Renderfarm Desktop Client Version is Released!

Fox Renderfarm Desktop Client Version is Released!


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Hello Fox Renderfarm user,First, Thanks for using the leading render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm. The latest version of Fox Renderfarm Desktop Client is here!Windows version download hereLinux version download hereLet’s check out the new functions of version!1. Allocate GPUs (cards)Setting > General > Allocate GPUs (cards)The default option of ‘Allocate GPUs (cards)’ was ‘2GTX 1080Ti’, now you can add the option ‘1GTX 1080Ti’ by contacting the customer service or business manager. After that, you can select the options to meet your needs. The setting is only effective for Maya and 3ds Max.2. Download speed, packet loss, network latency were added in Line Speed TestSetting > Network > Line > Run speed testYou can choose a suitable line according to the speed test result including Upload speed, Download speed, Packet loss, and Network latency.3. Predict the upload and download timeWhen you are uploading or downloading jobs, double click the job, the remaining time will be shown in ‘Running Log’.4. Batch adjust jobs’ priorities Select multiple files> Right-click > Adjust job priority > Input value > OKHolding down the CTRL key or the Shift key as you click a file, allows you to select more than one. Right-click the files, choose ‘Adjust job priority’, then you can batch adjust the jobs’ priorities.5. The number of concurrent Upload or Download files is adjustableSetting > Network > Parallel > Input value Logout and login the client again after switch engine.6. Resubmit Timeout framesRight-click the job > Resubmit > Timeout framesIt’s more efficient to resubmit the timeout frames by clicking the ’Resubmit button Timeout frames, when the timeout job stopped.7. Rights Management for Sub-accountAccount > Sub-account Management > Edit > Switch on “Inherit administrator software configuration”The sub-account can keep the same software configuration the master account saved. User needs to login to the web-client and set the right for sub-account.What's more, we’ve cut the prices to better meet your needs! Rendering prices go down, and the cheapest is as low as $0.036 per core hour. Recharge more and save more now!For pricing details, please click pricing page.

Fox Renderfarm Highlights in 2019

Fox Renderfarm Highlights in 2019


Fox News

Cloud Rendering Farm

At the beginning of 2020, let’s take an opportunity to look back at our journey in 2019.First, it wouldn't be possible without the continuous support we get from all of you, for which we're deeply grateful and want to thank you!Here are some of 2019's highlights.=Fox Data=Serving 3,000,000 end-usersRendered 90+ filmsHandled 5,000,000 computing tasksRendered 200,000,000 frames=Fox Events=March 15th, Shenzhen, Fox Renderfarm's CG Salon, 'To know the past, the present and the future of Japanese CG industry in 60 minutes'Fox Renderfarm’s CG Salon is set to build a communication platform for the CG industry. The speaker, including Mr. Luo Jun (CEO and founder of Pixeland Digital Production) and Mr. Tetsuya Ogawa (Corporate Planning Director of CGCG STUDIO Inc.), introduced the development of the CG industry in Japan and Asia.April 13th, Shenzhen, SIGGRAPH 2018 Computer Animation Festival Electronic Theater (Shenzhen Tour)The event was held by Fox Renderfarm and co-organized with ACM SIGGRAPH Shenzhen Chapter and Rong De Culture. As the leading cloud rendering platform, Fox Renderfarm always works closely with SIGGRAPH and promotes the development of CG and interactive technology.April 29th, Hangzhou, Fox Renderfarm @ The 15th China International Animation FestivalBen Cheung, Deputy General Manager of Fox Renderfarm, was invited to participate in the 15th China International Animation Festival – 2019 China Young Director Animation Pitch Contest &x26; the Launch of Young Director Support Program, organized by Xihu District People's Government, Zhejiang Animation Industry Association and Wuhu Animator Space.May 19th, Shenzhen, Fox Renderfarm's CG Salon, 'The beauty of CG Technology'Fox Renderfarm's CG Salon, ‘The beauty of CG Technology’ was successfully held in Shenzhen. The event is co-organized with ACM SIGGRAPH Shenzhen Chapter and the International Chinese Association of Computer-Human Interaction(ICACHI). Dr. Jos Stam, Dr. LiWei (Chair of ICACHI), and Mr. Jelo Wang (CEO of FACEGOOD) were invited to share their CG insights and experiences with the audience.July 28th - August 1st, Los Angeles, Fox Renderfarm @ SIGGRAPH 2019SIGGRAPH 2019 was successfully held in Los Angeles, which appealed to researchers, artists, and professionals who live and breathe computer graphics and interactive techniques. Fox Renderfarm was honored to be one of the exhibitors and sponsors and showcased our fast and secure cloud rendering solutions and connected industry players from all around the world.September 3rd - 6th, Malaysia, Fox Renderfarm @ Kre8tif! 2019Fox Renderfarm participated in Kre8tif! 2019, an annual digital creative content industry event in Malaysia, aiming to spark innovation and exploration of major trends across the creative sector. We received a large number of CG enthusiasts and had good communications with them regarding our powerful cloud rendering service.October 15th, Beijing, CG Tech Summit, 'Small Steps Get Us to Far Away Places Along the CG Journey'The CG Tech Summit was successfully held in Beijing, aiming to promote the CG industry communication and creating opportunities for cooperation. The speakers including Mr. Justin Jiang Hui (Senior Producer), Mr. Harry Lam (PIXOMONDO VFX Supervisor), Mr. Huang Shuo (CEO of Dagong Technology), Mr. Jacky Ke Jiang (Independent Animation Director), and Mr. Peng Cheng (CEO of Ecoplants).November 20th - 21st, India, Fox Renderfarm @ VFX Summit 2019VFX Summit 2019, the country’s largest VFX event hosted by Indiajoy, successfully held in Hyderabad, India. As one of the sponsors and exhibitors, Fox Renderfarm treasured very much the chance of exploring business opportunities and discussing industry insights in VFX Summit 2019.December 1st, Shenzhen, CG Tech SummitSeveral Senior TDs were invited to the CG Tech Summit held by Fox Renderfarm. They shared their experiences and insights in the tools development and pipeline management with CG enthusiasts.=Fox Projects=As for the film rendering, Ejen Ali: The Movie, BoBoiBoy Movie 2 and Upin &x26; Ipin: Keris Siamang Tunggal, together are Malaysia’s Top 3 local animated films, they all have chosen Fox Renderfarm, the TPN-accredited cloud render farm, as their exclusive cloud rendering partner.Nezha, the Chinese animation film ranked as the NO. 1 at the China animation film box office, together with Wolf Warriors 2 and The Wandering Earth, ranking top 3 box office smashes in China, were all rendered with Fox Renderfarm.=Fox Content Protection=In September, Fox Renderfarm has successfully completed MPAA’s Content Security Best Practices and officially become a TPN Trusted Partner.Thank you for your support and love in 2019 and we'll do our best to make you proud in 2020! Professional and secure cloud rendering services will be provided for all the customers continually.Wishing you an amazing 2020 with countless inspiration and happiness!




Fox Renderfarm News


Timeline: 7/12/2016 SIGGRAPH Asia Featured Sessions Planned by RAYVISIONAs experienced entrepreneur in computer graphics industry, Hsin-Yao Liang, the president of RAYVISION (Fox Renderfarm), took the Featured Sessions Chair of SIGGRAPH Asia 2016. Hosted by Hsin-Yao Liang and planned by RAYVISION, Featured Sessions have 2 panels: He's Back! T2 25 Years Later (Panel 1) & The Future of Imaging (Panel 2). Many authoritative experts and scholars from computer graphics industry all over the world come together to attend this grand meeting.Timeline: 6/12/2016 RAYVISION - The Only Chinese Enterprise Representative of SIGGRAPH Asia CommitteeThe 9th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia 2016) attracts more than 6000 industry leaders, experts and scholars of computer graphics and interactive techniques. As the only Chinese enterprise representative of the committee, RAYVISION (Fox Renderfarm) attended SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 as the exhibitor (Booth B-02) and displayed their splendid rendering projects, which drew attention of the worldwide experts in the field of computer graphics and interactive techniques.Timeline: 28/11/2016 RAYVISION Was Invited to Attend CSFFThe 7th China International New Media Short Film Festival (CSFF) is the only state-level international short film festival in China. CSFF has been witnessed rapid increase in its influence, it attracted film agencies from 18 countries and regions, and made itself one of the most significant short film festivals acknowledged by the industry and one of the three major film & TV cultural activities in China, with the other two being Beijing International Film Festival and the Shanghai International Film Festival. The high ratio international agency attendance, high level of specialization and advanced film & TV equipment are the highlights of this years festival.. As the exhibitor of New Technology Interactive Experience Area, RAYVISION aims to accelerate the development of new media industry and promote the exchanges and cooperation of international culture.Timeline: 15/11/2016 RAYVISION Held First CGTS in ShenzhenRAYVISION held first CGTS (CG Tech Summit) in Shenzhen on November 12th, 2016. With the popularity of Hollywoods top CG works, we gradually realized that CG technology not only explores the possibility of artistic expression, but also provides the audience with a higher quality of visual experience. Art challenges technology all the time. How to solve the technical problems during the film production, how to improve production efficiency are the purposes that RAYVISION launched the CGTS. Themed as Technology Inspires Art, CGTS chose Shenzhen as the first station, gathered the most professional CG elites, provided a platform for them to share and exchange their experience.Timeline: 10/11/2016 3 Films Rendered by Fox Renderfarm Eligible for 89th Oscar Best Animation AwardThe Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (AMPAS) recently released the official notice that 27 animated films participate 89th Oscar Best Animation Award which creates the record on quantity. 3 of these submitted animated films were rendered by Fox Renderfarm: Monkey King: Hero Is Back (China), Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV (Japan) and Bilal (Dubai). Back to 2014, Mr. Hublot rendered by Fox Renderfarm won the 86th Oscar Best Animated Short Film Award. It clearly shows that the projects rendered by Fox Renderfarm are excellent.Timeline:1/11/2016 RAYVISION Got A Certification for Applying Authentic Autodesk SoftwareAs the core of Internet+ era, the software is widely applied in every aspect of economy society. RAYVISION always respects intellectual property, improves the awareness of software copyright protection. Therefore, RAYVISION got a certification for applying authentic Autodesk software in November 2016. Moreover, RAYVISION strongly promoted the use of genuine software, and got certifications of several large enterprises worldwide, such as Pixars RenderMan, Arnold, V-Ray and IBM. Timeline: 25/10/2016 RAYVISIONs Internal Storage Was Upgraded to 360GbpsStorage is the core facility applied to the cluster. By applying the data classification, RAYVISION extended the data storage with memory, SSD and common disk. RAYVISIONs distributed storage throughput used by the cluster of every 1000 nodes were upgraded to unprecedented 360Gbps, which completely solved the problem of frame stucking caused by insufficient memory. In order to adapt to the special effects rendering, RAYVISION planned to upgrade the throughput of every cluster by 4 times in 2017.Timeline: 17/10/2016 RAYVISION Demonstrated Cloud Computing Force behind Visual IndustryThe Computing Conference 2016 was held in Yunqi Town of Hangzhou on October 13th, 2016. The Conference unprecedentedly attracted a large crowd of entrepreneurs and experts from all over the world. The Visual Processing Venue tended to be the most popular session. In the Visual Processing Venue, Kenny Zou, the general manager of RAYVISION, demonstrated the cloud computing force behind visual industry by 3 aspects: the great challenge of film industry, FoxRenderfarms cloud rendering service, the value of cloud rendering industry. As the leader of cloud rendering industry, RAYVISION was the first company to put forward the concept of cloud rendering in the field of visual computing and make the 3 features (scalable, cost effective, usability) of cloud rendering to be more remarkable.Timeline: 30/9/2016 Chinas First Full Realistic Human CGI L.O.R.D Was ReleasedL.O.R.D (Legend of Ravaging Dynasties) is a fantasy film directed by Jingming Guo, which adapted from his novel with the same title. As the investor and producer of L.O.R.D, Original Force took the responsibility of production, including character design, role scanning, action & expression and CG animation. RAYVISION had the honour to render this Chinas first full realistic human CGI film. In the release of L.O.R.D, RAYVISION conducted an exclusive interview with Original Forces production team who highly appreciated the expertise and service of Fox Renderfarm.Timeline: 1/9/2016 Fox Renderfarm Client Was Updated to Version 4.0Fox Renderfarm client was updated to version 4.0. The new version was based on QT structure and worked on Windows, Linux and Mac. Linux users have access to Fox Renderfarm client now!Timeline: 25/8/2016RAYVISION Won the Award of 2016 Leading Cloud Rendering Platform in ChinaThe 8th China Industry Informatization Conference was held in Beijing on August 25th, 2016. It was jointly hosted by China Information World, China Computer Industry Association, China Federation of IT Promotion. At the award selection of this conference, RAYVISION won 2016 Leading Cloud Rendering Platform in China. Ben Cheung, the vice president of RAYVISION, accepted the award as the representative, which was reported by more than 50 media.Timeline: 19/8/2016 Throne of Elves - New Height of Chinese AnimationThrone of Elves was a fantasy animated film produced by Mili Pictures and rendered by RAYVISION. It was released on August 19th, 2016. Based on Dragon Nest, the film abandoned the huge background in the game, described a love story about a human boy and an elf girl across races in the cruel war. In this film, every scene, every frame and every shot is beautiful.Timeline: 12/8/2016 LOVE O2Os Hit on the Big ScreenRendered by RAYVISION, LOVE O2O is a film adapted from Gu Mans novel of the same title. It was about an online game love story of Xiao Nai (acted by Jing Boran) and Bei Weiwei (acted by Angelababy). They came across in the game world and fell in love in the real world. The scene filming was used to the film, which created a beautiful fantastic game world. Timeline: 4/8/2016 Fox Renderfarm is applicable to LightWave!LightWave 3D is a cost-effective 3D animation software developed by an American company NewTek. Its one of the most important 3D animation software in the industry. Due to LightWaves easy-to-use and powerful functions in biological modeling and character animation, LightWave 3D is widely used in the field of film, television, advertising, games, animation etc. Fox Renderfarm is applicable to LightWave! Fox Renderfarm has numerous rendering nodes and huge storage, they can provide a lot of servers as what customers need and save much rendering time for the projects. Fox Renderfarms powerful technical team can customize different rendering solutions according to customers requirements, so that they can put more time and energy on artistic creation.Timeline: 3/8/2016The Fox Renderfarm Cloud Rendering for SketchUp LaunchedAs we all know, SketchUp is a popular and outstanding software for 3D architectural designing, it is called the pencil in CG designing industry for the reason of its extremely easy using feature. Now we are proud of declaring that Fox Renderfarm has supported Vray 2.0 for SketchUp 2015-2016. You can freely choose multi machine sequence for rendering to save more time, so that you can devote yourself to the unlimited creative designing with limited energy and time. Besides that, you can also freely choose the needed scenes to render with just a few simple clicks when submitting jobs.Timeline: 24/7/2016 RAYVISIONs Hit TV Drama Ice FantasyIce Fantasy was a costume TV drama adapted from Guo Jingmings novel, which was post-produced by PIXOMONDO, an international special effects company, and rendered by RAYVISION. It was exclusively played on Hunan Satellite TV Diamond Theatre from July 24th, 2016. The magnificent snow world and beautiful sea in the TV drama attracted a lot of audience.Timeline: 20/7/2016 RAYVISION Partnered with Alibaba Group to Make Strategic Layout on Visual Cloud ComputingAs a giant in the Internet companies, Alibaba Groups cloud computing power has risen to the top line of the world. Last year, RAYVISION and Alibaba Group reached a strategic cooperation on visual cloud computing. A few months later, Alibaba invested in RAYVISION and partnered with RAYVISION to make strategic layout of visual cloud computing and provide powerful, accessible and economic cloud rendering service, which turned to be an important milestone for Alibaba on cloud computing globalization.Timeline: 10/7/2016 Bahubali: The Beginnings First Hit on Big Screen in ChinaAfter the historical Indian epic blockbuster Baahubali - The Beginning released in 2015, it set a record for the opening day in Indias history, and became the top-grossing Indian film within India in 2015. This year, Bahubali: The Beginnings first hit on big screen in China on July 10th. CGI visual effects was collaborated with a local company Makuta VFX. Fox Renderfarm was tasked with the responsibility of rendering the movie. Almost entire movie was super imposed with elaborated CGI special effects of lavish landscapes and magnificent war scenes from the movie.Timeline: 9/7/2016 Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive Provided A Visual FeastFinal Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive was a CGI film produced by SQUARE ENIX, which is the developer of Final Fantasy series games. After the film released on July 9th, 2016, it was widely acclaimed for its incomparable visual special effects. Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive was rendered by RAYVISION, and the producer gave very high praise of RAYVISIONs cloud rendering services. The sophisticated 3D CG animated technology made the character vivid and lively. Obviously, this film has reached the top level of CG film in the world.Timeline: 28/5/2016 RAYVISION Was Invited to Attend CIFTISThe 4th China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Service (CIFTIS) was held in Beijing International Convention Center on May 28, 2016. CIFTIS is the first comprehensive platform specializing in the trade in services around the world. As the leading brand in cloud rendering service industry, RAYVISION was invited to attend CIFTIS as an exhibitor. RAYVISION introduced the concept of cloud rendering, promoted RAYVISIONs cloud rendering products - FoxRenderfarm (overseas) and Renderbus (domestic), and showed their wonderful rendering projects. At the same time, Phoenix TV conducted an exclusive interview with Kenny Zou, the general manager of RAYVISION, around the advantage of Rayvisions cloud rendering service.Timeline: 6/5/2016 RAYVISION Issued Cloud Computing Platform in Big Data ExpoGuiyang International Big Data Expo 2016 was opened in Guiyang International Conference & Exhibition Center on May 6, 2016. The event exhibited the worlds latest development of cutting-edge big data-based technologies, products and solutions, and it also provided a platform for sharing information and exchanging ideas as well as business negotiation. It attracted the pioneer enterprises and leaders from all over the world in the big data field. Dawn Wu, the product director of RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm), issued Rayvision Cloud Computing Platform in Big Date Expo. She explained what is cloud rendering and main features of Rayvision platform, meanwhile she introduced the numerous projects rendered by FoxRenderfarm and FoxRenderfarms Hollywood-class technical team behind the Mr. Hublot, the Best Animated Short Film of Oscar.Timeline: 24/5/2016 Learn V-Ray Partners with FoxRenderfarm to Creat More Amazing WorksLearn V-Ray is an authorized training center certified by Chaos Group. In the online area you can find the 5SRW Course for V-Ray, including V-Ray tutorials and lessons, materials to download and all you need to get the 5SRW Certification for V-Ray. As Learn V-Rays official partner, FoxRenderfarm rendered countless works for Learn V-Rays trainers and students. The philosophy that RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) always sticks to is that technology inspires arts. With the most professional technical team, the best customer service team and the most powerful computing center, RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) can save more time for users so that they can devote to more creative artworks.Timeline: 14/5/2016 RAYVISIONs Outlook on VR in ICIFThe 12th China International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF) was held in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. ICIF is a world-famous cultural feast playing an increasingly important role in boosting China cultural industries and promoting China cultural products and projects to go global. The number of sub-venues expanded from 1 to 61. VR Summit was held in F518 Idea Land sub-venue. Hsin-Yao Liang, the president of RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm), attended VR Summit as a guest speaker. He exchanged his experience of VR in 1993, shared his feelings when he attended NAB Show in USA, brought the newest VR product information, and broadened everyones vision for the latest technology. Timeline: 18/5/2016 RAYVISION Got Invention Patent for Cloud RenderRAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) is specialized in researching and developing cloud rendering platform and related technologies, and has numbers of invention patents for related technology. Compared to many other render farms, RAYVISIONs influence in the industry as well as the values provided for the users in the animation, film, television and special effects industry are immeasurable. RAYVISION firstly-launched cloud rendering platform brings much convenience and saves incalculable time and cost for users. Now, RAYVISION got an invention patent for cloud rendering from State Intellectual Property Office.Timeline: 27/4/2016 VR Game Rendered by RAYVISION Attracted Lots of Visitors in CICAFThe 12th China International Cartoon & Animation Festival (CICAF) attracted more than 1500 companies from 80 countries and regions. As the leading brand of global cloud rendering business, RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) made a significant contribution to animation, film, VFX, VR and other industries. This time, RAYVISION exhibited at booth B2-024 to show the core values and achievements they brought to customers. At the meantime, Mili Pictures STAR CORE VR game rendered by RAYVISION attracted lots of visitors in CICAF.Timeline: 26/2/2016 RAYVISION Launched GoCloud ProgramRAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) always adhered to the spirit of Small Teams Dream Big and made contributions to education and CG industry. RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) not only sponsored many different kinds of international CG challenges, but also launched GoCloud program to help the small teams realize their dreams. GoCloud is a program that aims to help potential CG students and creative small teams. This project has two parts: For Education & For Creative.

Render Farm on Film and Animation Works 2018

Render Farm on Film and Animation Works 2018


Fox Renderfarm News

film works

There are still 18 days from the end of 2018. This year, Fox Renderfarm has achieved a good goal in film and animation works rendering. Below is a collection video of some of the animations and film works that we participated in.The names of the works played in the video are:ShadowDetective Dee: The Four Heavenly KingsLegend of Fu YaoDetective Chinatown IIWolf Warrior 2Ten great III of peach blossomBaahubali: The BeginningL.O.R.D (Legend of Ravaging Dynasties)The Wind GuardiansMonkey MagicDuck Duck GooseBoonie Bears: The Big ShrinkFights Break SphereBoonie Bears: Entangled WorldsThe above is just a list of some of the works we have rendered until 2018. If you want to know more details, you can visit our Customer page. As the largest render farm in Asia, we are constantly being recognized by our customers. More and more users are using our render farm, which gives us a good evaluation of our services and platforms.Here's our evaluation at SIGGRAPH Vancouver 2018, one of the interview participants who used a number of render farms for multiple companies in the cloud rendering industry, if you don't know how to choose which render farm to cooperate, you can see the following video for your reference:Fox Renderfarm has always focused on the cloud rendering services of film and video, we are good at summing up the real needs of users, and constantly follow the footsteps of users to improve our products, in order to give users a better cloud rendering service.Fox Renderfam's render farm currently supports GPU and CPU rendering, a company that is rare in the cloud rendering industry to support both services. At the same time, we have thousands of rendering nodes, users can upload and render in real-time. This is also the advantage that we are different from others, and one of the reasons why many users like to use us.We know that many enterprises encounter many headaches in the transmission of large files, such as video, the transmission speed is too slow, and the file transmission process is afraid of interception, loss and other accidents. Also, it is cost a lot of time when the file transfer process be interrupted, that means you should transfer again.In response to the above problems, we have developed a large file transfer tool for users to choose, using a second to increase the transmission speed by 100 times. Moreover, our own render farm also has the application of this technology, which ensures that users can quickly complete the uploading of the work to be rendered and download, which greatly saves time.

New Logo Announcement: Fox Renderfarm Unveils a New Look

New Logo Announcement: Fox Renderfarm Unveils a New Look


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Cloud Rendering Farm

Hello, dear friends! We are happy and proud to announce the launch of the new Fox Renderfarm logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our brand.Fox Renderfarm has grown and evolved over the years with the endeavor of our devoted teams and the love and support from every one of you. At the beginning of 2020, we have altered our logo that reflects who we are and symbolize our brand culture and the bright future ahead.Basically, the new logo consists of the graphic and text parts. The graphic - a figurative fox tail combined with the letter "O" extracted from “Fox” - shows our identity and friendliness. While the text is in solid font to deliver the reliability, and the moderate tilt represents the high speed and credibility of our cloud rendering services.Orange is Fox Renderfarm’s primary color. Besides the warmth and energy that orange stands for, it also expresses our relentless enthusiasm and love for our customers, partners and friends.Starting today, you will see the new look everywhere. Meanwhile, our business partners are welcomed to use the new logo. The new logo and usage guidelines can be downloaded here.Finally, Fox Renderfarm is so thankful for your trust and love, our friends. And we look forward to a better future together with you!

GoCreation Program Is Online Now!

GoCreation Program Is Online Now!




Fox Renderfarm is deeply committed to supporting CG artists and making it accessible to everyone around the world.GoCreation Program, one of the Industry Care Programs provided by Fox Renderfarm, brings the chance to all freelancers in the CG industry to enjoy affordable and secure cloud rendering service.What is the GoCreation ProgramAiming to foster the development of the industry, “GoCreation Program” is willing to provide preferential prices and subsidies for CG freelancers, empowering them to create more excellent CG artworks and realize their dreams.Please kindly note that this program only works for freelancers. And if you want to participate in this program, please click here to have a registration and get a Fox Renderfarm account first.What Will Accredited Freelancers GetAccredited freelancers will become our Gold Customer and enjoy 20% off for CPU rendering and 30% off for GPU rendering.For every single recharge of $500, he/she will be rewarded with a $100 render coupon; The accumulated rewarded amount is up to $2000. The render coupon is valid for 1 year.How to ApplyFill in the application form.After the application is approved, he/she will get the freelancer identity certification and enjoy exclusive offers!Welcome to be our accredited freelancers and enjoy the discount of Gold Customer and exclusive offers. Apply Now!Fox Renderfarm’s Industry Care Programs, including GoCreation Program, GoCloud Program and Fox’s Got Talent, provides special discounts for teachers, students, educational facilities, and freelancers in the CG industry.If you are a student or educator, you can participate in our GoCloud Program and receive your exclusive offers. And Fox’s Got Talent welcomes artists from around the world to share your artwork rendered with Fox Renderfarm and get free render credits.

Fox Renderfarm Has Completed The Annual TPN Assessment Process For 2022!

Fox Renderfarm Has Completed The Annual TPN Assessment Process For 2022!


Fox News

cloud rendering

As your TPN-Accredited cloud render farm, Fox Renderfarm has always been committed to providing fast and secure render farm services for customers and we have completed the annual Trusted Partner Network assessment process for 2022!What is TPN?The Trusted Partner Network (TPN) is owned and managed by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) a leader in third-party entertainment industry assessments. MPA is a non-profit American trade association with the goal of promoting effective copyright protection, reducing piracy, and expanding market access. As one of the most authoritative film and TV content protection corporation, TPN assessment is well acknowledged by conglomerates like Walt Disney Studios, Universal City Studios, Warner Bros., Netflix Studios and so forth.Why Do We Need TPN?Content and data security have always been a global concern in the movie and TV industry, especially after a serial high-profile pre-release leaks in 2017. Those included the theft and release of “Orange Is the New Black” season 5 episodes from an audio post-production firm and an episode from “Game of Thrones” season 7 that was traced to employees at a data-management vendor working with 21st Century Fox’s Star India. The hacking nightmare continued after Netflix refused to pay the requested ransom. The hacker group The Dark Overlord uploaded much of “Orange Is the New Black” Season 5 online through illegal file-sharing service and kept posting arrogant and even scolding messages online. Huge damage was caused to Hollywood’s major production studios and to the health of the whole industry.Trusted Partner Network (TPN) is a new, global, industry-wide film and television content protection initiative. The TPN program helps companies prevent leaks, breaches, and hacks of their customers’ movies and television shows prior to their intended release and seeks to raise security awareness, preparedness, and capabilities within the industry. It functions as a global clearinghouse that will set security standards for entertainment production and distribution companies. Partners who pass an independent assessment conforming to those industry best practices will be listed as “trusted partners” in the TPN directory.“Creating the films and television shows enjoyed by audiences around the world increasingly requires a network of specialized vendors and technicians,” MPA chairman and CEO Charles Rivkin said in a statement. “That’s why maintaining high security standards for all third-party operations — from script to screen — is such an important part of preventing the theft of creative works and ultimately protects jobs and the health of our vibrant creative economy.”How Does TPN Work?The TPN assessment process is highly rigorous with detailed security requirements on the physical security, asset management, content life-cycle, enterprise security, risk assessment, vulnerability management, security operations and incident response, policy &x26; procedures, human resources processes, and most importantly, infrastructure. Moreover, the assessed Vendors are required to do the annual re-assessment every year to continuously improve the security system to better meet the TPN assessment standards. The assessment reports are shared within the TPN platform and can also be shared with existing and potential customers at the vendor’s discretion.Fox Renderfarm x TPNWith the relentless efforts and commitment to build a more secure cloud render farm that better protect the privacy of our beloved customers, Fox Renderfarm has successfully completed MPA’s Content Security Best Practices and officially become a TPN Trusted Partner!Fox Renderfarm’s mission is to be the best cloud render farm with powerful render capacity, thoughtful customer service, secure data protection and flexible pricing scheme.As a TPN-accredited Partner, Fox Renderfarm will persist its steps to enhance the cloud rendering solutions to be more customer-friendly and also be one of the safest.

Fox Renderfarm, Your TPN Accredited Cloud Render Farm

Fox Renderfarm, Your TPN Accredited Cloud Render Farm


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Fox Renderfarm has reached another milestone in the year 2022. With the relentless efforts and commitment to build a more secure cloud render farm that better protect the privacy of our beloved customers, Fox Renderfarm has successfully completed MPA’s Content Security Best Practices and officially become a TPN Trusted Partner!What is TPN?The Trusted Partner Network (TPN) is owned and managed by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) a leader in third-party entertainment industry assessments. MPA is a non-profit American trade association with the goal of promoting effective copyright protection, reducing piracy, and expanding market access. As one of the most authoritative film and TV content protection corporation, TPN assessment is well acknowledged by conglomerates like Walt Disney Studios, Universal City Studios, Warner Bros., Netflix Studios and so forth.Why Do We Need TPN?Content and data security have always been a global concern in the movie and TV industry, especially after a serial high-profile pre-release leaks in 2017. Those included the theft and release of “Orange Is the New Black” season 5 episodes from an audio post-production firm and an episode from “Game of Thrones” season 7 that was traced to employees at a data-management vendor working with 21st Century Fox’s Star India. The hacking nightmare continued after Netflix refused to pay the requested ransom. The hacker group The Dark Overlord uploaded much of “Orange Is the New Black” Season 5 online through illegal file-sharing service and kept posting arrogant and even scolding messages online. Huge damage was caused to Hollywood’s major production studios and to the health of the whole industry.Trusted Partner Network (TPN) is a new, global, industry-wide film and television content protection initiative. The TPN program helps companies prevent leaks, breaches, and hacks of their customers’ movies and television shows prior to their intended release and seeks to raise security awareness, preparedness, and capabilities within the industry. It functions as a global clearinghouse that will set security standards for entertainment production and distribution companies. Partners who pass an independent assessment conforming to those industry best practices will be listed as “trusted partners” in the TPN directory.“Creating the films and television shows enjoyed by audiences around the world increasingly requires a network of specialized vendors and technicians,” MPA chairman and CEO Charles Rivkin said in a statement. “That’s why maintaining high security standards for all third-party operations — from script to screen — is such an important part of preventing the theft of creative works and ultimately protects jobs and the health of our vibrant creative economy.”How Does TPN Work?The TPN assessment process is highly rigorous with detailed security requirements on the physical security, asset management, content life-cycle, enterprise security, risk assessment, vulnerability management, security operations and incident response, policy &x26; procedures, human resources processes, and most importantly, infrastructure. Moreover, the assessed Vendors are required to do the annual re-assessment every year to continuously improve the security system to better meet the TPN assessment standards. The assessment reports are shared within the TPN platform and can also be shared with existing and potential customers at the vendor’s discretion.Fox Renderfarm x TPNFox Renderfarm’s mission is to be the best cloud render farm with powerful render capacity, thoughtful customer service, secure data protection and flexible pricing scheme.“Your governance program (i.e. Management System) was impressive. It was very thorough from a policy and procedure perspective,” Mr. James Bourne, TPN Assessor, commented, “Fox Renderfarm has adopted and implemented the MPA’s Content Security Best Practices with are now TPN Accredited.”As a TPN-accredited Partner, Fox Renderfarm will persist its steps to enhance the cloud rendering solutions to be more customer-friendly and also be one of the safest.

Key Words

3D Art Competitions|3D Tool|Trailer|Fox Renderfarm Promotion|Cloud Rendering Farm|Annecy Festival|MILESTONES|Fox Renderfarm|Desktop Client|Blender|Bollywood films|Hum3D Contest|NVIDIA|Silkroad Digital Vision|Malaysian Animated Films|Indiajoy|Architectural Visualization|CGarchitect Architectural 3Dawards|Best cloud rendering services|Render cloud|VFX|Upin & Ipin|Green Book|Fox Renderfarm Interview|Mission Mangal|Kre8tif!|Fox Renderfarm Mini Program|CG|CG Tech Summit Malaysia|film works|cloud rendering|Golden Horse Award|Shadow|SIGGRAPH Asia 2018|Morrigan Flebotte|VWArtclub Annual *Contest|Asswad Mouhamad|animation works|IMax Studio|Boonie Bears|Renderosity|Gary S. Kennedy|Evermotion Challenge 2018|Brian Beaudry|Bobby Bala|Mohit Sanchaniya|Katapix Media|Flying Car Productions|Razer|The Shipment|FoxRenderfarm|CG Tech Summit|Alpacalypse Productions|halloween|Hum3d Survial Car Challenge|Federico Ciuffolini|Ralf Sczepan|Iavor Trifonov|Clarisse|CGTS Malaysia|Isotropix|C4D|Tomasz Bednarz|V-Ray|Cinema 4D|MAXON|siggraph caf|Evermotion challenge 2017|CGTrader Space Competition|film of the year|Le Anh Nhan|Planet Unknown|Fox Renderfarm 2017 Achievements|CSFF|Julio Soto|boar 2017|Deep|SIGGRAPH Asia 2017|Chris Sun|Glass Cage|Making Life of Bri' n Chris|anthem studios|The Rookies|Peter Draper|Makuta VFX|Baahubali 2|CG Competition|enchantedmob|CG Studios|Academy Awards|CGVray|weeklycgchallenge|SketchUp|siggraph 2017|Chris Buchal|SIGGRAPH Asia|LightWave|Indigo Renderer|Rafael Chies|V-Ray RT|CPU Rendering|NVIDIA Iray|Chaos Group|OctaneRender|Redshift|STAR CORE|CICAF|VR|Mr. Hublot|Ribbit|GPU Rendering|Linux|Monkey Island|LuxRender|HPC|Render Farm|Life of Bri|WORLD LAB|Michael Wakelam|3D Rendering|Online Render Farm|Alibaba|Baahubali|VAX|Malaysia|2015 Hangzhou Computing Conference|Oscar|SIGGRAPH|CGTrader|Kunming Asia Animation Exhibition|Evermotion|RenderMan|


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