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Kay John Yim - Artist of the Year of Fox Renderfarm 2023

Kay John Yim - Artist of the Year of Fox Renderfarm 2023



CG Competition

2024 is a new and exciting year full of opportunities and new challenges for the CG industry and all 3D artists, and for Fox Renderfarm as well. In the past 2023, we met up with countless amazing works and 3D artists, and here we are proud to announce our 2023 Artist of the Year, Kay John Yim, an architect by day and a CGI artist by night.John has been a continued supporter of Fox Renderfarm's cloud rendering services, and in 2023 he submitted many beautiful entries to our FGT Art Campaign and FGT3D Challenge, taking home several prizes. We sincerely thank John for your unwavering support!© Kay John YimAs the leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the industry, Fox Renderfarm encourages all 3D artists to take the opportunity to showcase your outstanding talent and join our monthly FGT Art Campaign and our bi-annual FGT3D Challenge.Kay John Yim's social media:Personal site:

フラクタルオレンジ、「Into the Future」3D チャレンジで優勝!ハイスピードな世界でロボットの見事な表現

フラクタルオレンジ、「Into the Future」3D チャレンジで優勝!ハイスピードな世界でロボットの見事な表現


CG Challenges

Fox Renderfarm Interview

ハンナ・ローガリング(Hanna Loegering)として知られるフラクタルオレンジ(Fractal Orange)は、polygoniq の3Dチャレンジ「Into the Future」で見事に優勝しました!めまぐるしく変化する未来の世界における孤独なロボットの見事な描写で1位を獲得した。受賞作品は、CG タイムラプスを巧みに利用して、物語の痛ましさを強調しています。ハンナさん、おめでとうございます!業界トップのクラウドレンダリングサービスプロバイダーであり、レンダーファームでもあるFox Renderfarmは、コンテストのスポンサーとなり、ハンナさんにインタビューできたことを光栄に思っています。インタビューで、技術的に印象的なアートワークを作り上げるハンナさんの創造的な旅を探ってみましょう!Fox Renderfarm: ハンナさん、こんにちは!インタビューを受けていただき、誠にありがとうございます! 読者の皆様に自己紹介をお願いできますか?ハンナさん: インタビューしていただきありがとうございます。ハンナです。 2015 年以来、クリエイティブ業界で活動しており、好きなことを仕事にできてとても幸運です。コンピュータの前から離れると、スイングダンスを楽しんだり、聖書の勉強をしたり、サイス(Scythe) やトワイライト インペリウム(Twilight Imperium)などの複雑なボードゲームを友人や家族とプレイしたりしています。Fox Renderfarm: Polygoniqの3Dチャレンジ「Into the Future」で一位おめでとうございます!いかがですか?ハンナさん: ありがとうございます! 一位をいただけて光栄です。 いつも自分の作品を向上させるため努力しています。クレヨンを握っていただけだったら自分が、受賞ある今の私に成長するのを見るのは素晴らしいです。これからも続けていきたいと思っています。のようなコンテストが大好きです。同じテーマに対するさまざまなクリエイターのコンセプト、テクニック、芸術的スタイルを見ることはとてもインスピレーションを受けることができます。優勝作品 "Missing"© フラクタルオレンジFox Renderfarm: フラクタルオレンジ(Fractal Orange)を始めたきっかけを紹介していただけますか?名前にはどんな意味が込められていますか?ハンナさん: 大学卒業後、セレンディピタス・フィルムズ(Serendipitous Films)で働くために、テキサス州フォートワース(Fort Worth)という素晴らしい町に引っ越しました。セットで一緒に働いた多くのフリーランサーからフリーランスのアイデアを教えてもらいました。家族と一緒に暮らすために故郷のND州に戻ることに決めましたが、リモートのフリーランサーとして働くことでそれが可能になりました。キャッチーな名前が欲しかったので、適切な意味を持つ興味深い言葉を見つけるまで、2 つの異なる単語を組み合わせて見ました。「フラクタル」という言葉は、After Effects で常にフラクタルベースのエフェクトを使用しており、Blender でプロシージャルな素材を作成する際にもフラクタルノイズが必要となることが多いため、気に入っていました。また、フリーランスになっており、強烈で冒険心に満ちた機会を捉えるための決断を示す色として「オレンジ」を選びました。AIRER © フラクタルオレンジFox Renderfarm: 『Missing』のインスピレーションについて教えていただけますか?アイデアはどのようにして思いついたのですか?ハンナさん: どこから来たのかわかりません。 たぶん、雪と寒さが迫っていることに悲しみを感じていたから、ロボットも悲しんでしまったのだろう。pwnisher のレンダーチャレンジに参加したことがあり、1年前に『Moving Meditations Challenge』で5位に入賞したアナ(Anna)に圧倒された。素晴らしいタイムラプスを作り、私もそのテクニックを学びたいと思いました。ポリゴンのチャレンジにより、ついに試す機会が得られました。Moving Meditations Challenge © Annaダイナミックマシン - ガレージスタイル © フラクタルオレンジマイ・フレンド・ベア - ボス戦 © フラクタルオレンジFox Renderfarm: パイプラインについても教えていただけますか? また、どれくらいかかりましたか?ハンナさん: 時間を記録しませんでした (すべきだったかもしれないが)。 推測ではおおよそ 50 時間かかりました。 月の前半にアイデアを思いつきましたが、締め切りの 1 週間前まで作業できませんでした。 最終的なレンダリングは合計 4 時間 (各パスで 2 時間) かかりました。時間があまりなかったので、Kitbash 3D、Pollygonic、Mixamo のアセットを使用しました。 また、素晴らしいゴミモデル専門的に提供する Trash Kit も購入しました。Blender、After Effects、Auditionを使用しました。 また、Adobe Firefly を使用して少年のポスターイメージを生成し、Photoshop で修正しました。Fox Renderfarm: ロボットと背景のコントラストを作り出すために、どのようにタイムラプスを使ったのか教えていただけますか? ハンナさん: ロボットとタイムラプスの人々の動きには明らかに対照があります。 一時的には不自然です。 人々が速く動いているか、ロボットがゆっくりと動いているかのどちらかですが、ロボットに蹴った缶は、リアルタイムであるかのように転がります。それがアニメーションの素晴らしいところです。物理法則を打ち破れます!人々は、ロボットに孤独感を表示するためにタイムラプスされました。 悲しい小さなロボットを気にかけることなく、世界は忙しく動き続けています。Missing © フラクタルオレンジ Fox Renderfarm: 背景の人々を部分的に透明にしようと思ったのはなぜですか? また、このテクスチャをどのように作りましたか?ハンナさん: ロボットはショットの主役なので、群衆が気を取られることを避けたかったです。 最初はシャッタースピードを下げてモーションブラーを増やす試みをしましたが、それでもあまりにも目立ちました。アニメーションを 2 回レンダリングしました。1 回は群衆を含めて、もう 1 回は群衆を含まないものです。 一つに合成したら、群衆を部分的に透明にしました。 したがって、タイムラプスは物理的に正確ではありませんが、ストーリーをより良く伝えるのに役立つと思います。Fox Renderfarm: 色、素材、照明の設定などを通じて、全体の雰囲気をどのように実現しましたか?ハンナさん: それは難しいです。 プロセス全体を通して、いつもストーリーについて考え、より明確にするために、すべてのステップを微調整しました。サイバーパンク都市の雰囲気により、ライトの配置をもう少し自由にできるようになりました。 浮いているだけのポイントとスポットライトがいくつかありますが、ネオンサインや他の光源がたくさんありますので、その点を活用することができました。また、ポストで色調補正やエフェクトも少し行いました。Fox Renderfarm: 制作過程で直面した課題はありましたか?もしあれば、どのように克服しましたか?ハンナさん: 3D での作業で好きな部分の 1 つは、ライトとマテリアルを使用してシーンを設定し、すべてをブロックすることです。キャラクターアニメーションの方が難しいのですが、この作品ではロボットが歩くという要素がストーリーの一部として必要でした。 歩くサイクルを作るのが苦手なため、ロボットの足をけがさせることにしました。 この方法では、歩行が対称的かつ正確である必要はありません。 骨折しているので、歩くのが少しぎくしゃくするかもしれません。 また、『Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order』の BD-1 が足をけがしたまま歩くシーンの優れたリファレンスも見つけました。BD-1, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order © Respawn EntertainmentFox Renderfarm: 制作過程で楽しかった瞬間はありますか? そして、最も思い出に残ったことは何ですか?ハンナさん: パイプラインの中でいくつかの瞬間を楽しんでいました。 正しい方向に進んでいることを確認するために、何度もテスト レンダリング (静止画またはシーケンス全体) を行いました。短い時間で全体がうまくまとまっているのを見るのは本当に嬉しかったです。お気に入りの部分の 1 つは、缶をアニメーション化することでした。 手作業でアニメーションを作成し、Z 軸にわずかなノイズモディファイアを使用して、ゴツゴツとした舗装を転がっているように見せました。そのような物理ベースの小さなアニメーションを作るのが好きです。 とにかく、転がるようにシミュレーションするのはとても手間がかかるため、私にとってはあまりにも難しいものでした。サウンドデザインも楽しかったです。 音楽トラックをテストしていたとき、思わず大声で笑ってしまいました。 トラックの 1 つはとても憂鬱なほどドラマチックで、ロボットがメFox Renderfarm: 好きな作品やアーティストはいますか?ハンナさん: 素晴らしいアニメーションや作品がたくさんありるので、難しいです。 すぐに思い浮かぶのは、映画『スパイダーバース』や『アルケイン』シリーズです。 コンセプトアーティストのセルジオ・カスタネダの作品も大好きです。スパイダーマン:アクロス・ザ・スパイダーバース © Marvelアルケイン © Riot GamesConcept Artist Sergio Castaneda's ArtstationFox Renderfarm: Fox Renderfarm のクラウド レンダリング サービスを試したことがありますか? もしそうなら、どう思いますか?ハンナさん: Fox Renderfarm やその他のレンダリング サービスを使用したことがありません。 かなり優れた GPU を頼りにしていますが、長尺のアニメーションを作るようになれば、パイプライン内でレンダーファーム サービスがより重要になる可能性があります。ハンナさん、インタビューへのご参加、ありがとうございました!素晴らしい作品を作り続け、ご活躍を心からお祈りしています!ハンナのソーシャルメディア:ウェブサイト:インスタグラム:アートステーション:ヴィメオ:リンクトイン:

크리스마스 슈퍼 세일 2023- 폭스렌더팜

크리스마스 슈퍼 세일 2023- 폭스렌더팜


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm Promotion

일년 중 가장 큰 명절 중 하나인 크리스마스가 한 달 앞으로 다가왔습니다. 흥미진진한 2023년 크리스마스를 위해 Fox Renderfarm는 크리스마스 슈퍼 세일을 준비했습니다. 자세한 내용은 아래로 확인할 수 있습니다.규칙:11월 15일- 12월 31일 기간에 충전하는 사용자에게 100%CPU 렌더쿠폰이나 50% GPU렌더쿠폰을 추가로 증정합니다.최소 충전금액이 100달러이며 이벤트 기간내에 충전 횟수가 제한되지 않습니다.이벤트 제공된 쿠폰은 충전일로부터 12월동안 유효합니다.크리스마스 세일은 공식 가격 체계내의 사용자에게만 적용됩니다.제공된 렌더 쿠폰은 바로 렌더링에 직접 사용 가능합니다.폭스렌더팜은 사전 알림없이 조건 변경, 추가, 수정할 수 있는 권리를 보유합니다.선도적인 클라우드 렌더링 서비스 제공업체인 Fox Renderfarm은 사용자에게 안전하고 빠른 렌더링 서비스를 제공하며 항상 모든 3D 아티스트의 이익을 위한 CG 커뮤니티 개발에 중점을 둡니다. 이번 크리스마스 이벤트는 연간 최대 할인 이벤트라고 할 수 있으모로 기회를 놓치지 마시고 많은 참여 부탁드리겠습니다!

Fox Renderfarm Makes Partnership with Nexus TV!

Fox Renderfarm Makes Partnership with Nexus TV!


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm is honored to have entered into a partnership with Nexus TV for an exciting visual journey!Located in Italy, Nexus TV is a leader in the post-production field, known for delivering a wide variety of services such as audio and video post-production, music consultancy, multilingual dubbing, and multimedia co-productions.Nexus TVNexus TVNexus TVNexus Studio currently occupies more than 800 square meters with 8 video editing rooms, 3 recording-post production and sound designing suites for all needs in TV, film, and commercial production.Fox Renderfarm is excited that Nexus TV has chosen our cloud rendering services, allowing us to work together to create new exciting works in film, television and visual production.Why choose cloud rendering?As a perfect solution to accelerate the production of VFX for film and TV, there are many benefits of using cloud rendering. With the rendering power of the render farm's huge cluster of computers, the waiting time and cost of local rendering can be reduced, and the excellent customer service allows you to have more time to devote to production without worrying about the rendering process; on the other hand, Fox Renderfarm's cloud rendering is secure and confidential, and has completed MPAs Content Security Best Practices, making it a TPN Trusted Partner.Let's stay tuned for the amazing things we will create together!Learn more about Nexus TV here.

2023 추석 특별 이벤트, 한국 사용자만 적용!

2023 추석 특별 이벤트, 한국 사용자만 적용!


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm Promotion

추석 맞이 폭스렌더팜은 모두 한국 사용자들에게 추석 특별 오퍼를 준비했습니다.시간: 2023.9.15 - 2023.10.15 (UTC+8)오퍼1: 신규 사용자는 이벤트 페이지를 통해 가입하면 바로 US$50 렌더 쿠폰을 받습니다.오퍼2: 모두 한국사용자는 이벤트 기간내 첫 충전 때 충전금액에 따라 대응한 쿠폰을 추가로 받습니다.충전금액200달러 이상 2,000달러 미만의 경우 100달러 렌더 쿠폰을 받게 됩니다.충전금액2,000달러 이상 5,000달러 미만의 경우 400달러 렌더 쿠폰을 받게 됩니다.충전금액5,000달러 이상의 경우 1,000달러 렌더 쿠폰을 받게 됩니다.자세한 규칙:이번 추석 이벤트는 한국사용자에게만 적용합니다.쿠폰은 다른 조작 필요없이 바로 렌더에 사용 가능합니다.Fox Renderfarm은 사전 통지 없이 언제든지 이벤트 조건을 변경, 수정 또는 추가할 수 있는 권한을 보유합니다.Fox Renderfarm은 클라우드 렌더링 서비스를 선도하는 업체이자 렌더팜으로서, 여러분에게 행복한 추석 축제와 즐거운 렌더링을 기원합니다!

Meet Fox Renderfarm at SIGGRAPH 2023!

Meet Fox Renderfarm at SIGGRAPH 2023!


Fox Renderfarm News


Hey there, 3D worldbuilders! Get ready to rock at SIGGRAPH 2023 because Fox Renderfarm is bringing the heat! We're excited to celebrate 50 years of SIGGRAPH Conferences with all of you amazing folks out there.Mark your calendars for August 8-10, as we'll be at the SIGGRAPH Exhibition in Los Angeles, holding it down at Booth 844 in West Hall. We can't wait to see all our old friends there, and of course, we're eager to make plenty of new friends too! Swing by our booth and let's chat about all the exciting 3D projects you've got in the works. We'll also fill you in on our latest developments and explore some fantastic collaboration opportunities. It's gonna be a win-win situation, for sure!Date of the Exhibition: 8-10 August, 2023 Fox Renderfarm booth: West Hall - 844 Free Register for SIGGRAPH 2023: FOX1063 (Get a free admission for Exhibit Only badge or save $25 off any registration type by using our invitation code.)The 50th edition is a magnificent milestone for SIGGRAPH. This year, CG industry professionals and enthusiasts from all over the world will gather in Los Angeles, to celebrate the 50th conference and reflect on half a century of discovery and advancement while charting a course for the bold and limitless future ahead. So it is not to be missed!About Fox Renderfarm**Fox** Renderfarm is a leading render farm and the best cloud rendering provider in the industry, providing TPN-Accredited CPU/GPU cloud rendering services with 24/7 technical support. Since its operation in 2011, it has served more than 200,000 users and top leading visual effects companies, animation, architectural visualization, and game development studios from over 50 countries or regions, including Academy Awards® and multiple awards winners.Learn more about Fox Renderfarm:**renderfarm**.com/Customers' works rendered with Fox RenderfarmAbout SIGGRAPH 2023ACM SIGGRAPH is a special interest group within ACM, and SIGGRAPH 2023 is the premier conference for computer graphics and interactive techniques worldwide, uniting a global community of innovators to showcase the most imaginative and inventive technologies and applications in computer graphics and interactive techniques.It has come a long way since the first SIGGRAPH conference in Boulder, Colorado, in 1974. For 50 years, the conference has ushered in new breakthroughs, bolstered a community of perpetual dreamers, and mapped a future where exponential innovation isn’t just possible — it’s inevitable.Learn more about SIGGRAPH 2023:

Meet Fox Renderfarm at Annecy Festival 2023!

Meet Fox Renderfarm at Annecy Festival 2023!



Annecy Festival

Save the date, Fox Renderfarm is heading to Annecy Festival 2023!For the past three years, Fox Renderfarm has participated in the Annecy Festival &x26; E-met everyone. This year, we are finally back again for the world’s largest event dedicated to animation from 13 to 16 June, with on-site stand D.12 at the Mifa market!We’d like to invite you to our stand, talk about your impressive projects and learn more about our latest developments. We can’t wait to see you!Date of Mifa: 13th to 16th JuneFox Renderfarm stand: D.12Connect with Fox Renderfarm: Fox Renderfarm**Fox** Renderfarm is a leading render farm and the best cloud rendering service provider in the industry, serving over 200,000 users, and top leading visual effects companies, animation, architectural visualization, and game development studios from over 50 countries/regions, including multiple awards and Oscar winners.Fox Renderfarm customers' worksAbout Annecy Festival &x26; MifaWith its more than 60-year history, Festival international du film d'animation d'Annecy (Annecy International Animation Film Festival) has become the global event dedicated to animation and a top reference for animation, bringing together the most prestigious professionals in the industry to celebrate animation's creativity, diverse styles, and techniques.For Annecy Festival 2023, it contains a spectacular week of events, including an outstanding assortment of inspiring talks, hotly anticipated screenings, networking opportunities, masterclasses and more.Annecy International Animation Film Market (Mifa) is an industry unmissable event. Discover all animation’s richness and productivity and meet all the professionals to discuss, network, and make acquisitions.Learn more about Annecy Festival 2023: is an overview of the Annecy Festival 2023 official selection:Let's meet in the charming landscape between the mountains and lakes of Annecy!

Hirokazu Kore-eda's Latest Film Monster Will Compete for Palme d'Or at Cannes 2023

Hirokazu Kore-eda's Latest Film Monster Will Compete for Palme d'Or at Cannes 2023


Fox Renderfarm News


Big news! The anticipated new film Monster (Japanese: 怪物) by renowned director Hirokazu Kore-eda has been officially selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 76th Festival de Cannes from May 16 to May 27, 2023.Director Hirokazu Kore-eda, who won the Palme d'Or at the 71st Festival de Cannes for Shoplifters (Japanese: 万引き家族), teamed up for the first time with screenwriter Yûji Sakamoto. Besides, Ryuichi Sakamoto, a world-class Japanese composer, composed the music. Starring Sakura Ando, Eita Nagayama, and Yūko Tanaka, thus, the most exciting and moving miraculous collaboration in movie history has been realized.As a leading render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm is honored and delighted to be able to provide cloud rendering service for the VFX production of Monster! And we are deeply grateful to our client for using Fox Renderfarm.Image via GAGA CorporationThe film explores the aftermath of a violent incident that occurs at a school in a suburban town. It seems like a common fight between children, but their claims differed, and it gradually developed into a big deal involving society and the media. Then one stormy morning, the children suddenly disappear. What exactly is a "monster"? What do we see at the end of the "monster" search through the eyes of each character?Check out the offcial trailer of Monster:Learn more about the film: film will be premiere at the Festival de Cannes and released in Japan on June 2, 2023.Source: GAGA Corporation

신규 사용자 전용! 폭스 렌더팜 에버그린 프로그램 2023이 시작되었습니다

신규 사용자 전용! 폭스 렌더팜 에버그린 프로그램 2023이 시작되었습니다


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm Promotion

CG 업계를 선도하는 렌더 팜인 Fox Renderfarm은 항상 사용자에게 가장 전문적이고 빠르고 간단한 클라우드 렌더링 서비스를 제공하기 위해 노력해 왔습니다. 전 세계 200,000명이 넘는 사용자 중에는 첫 프로젝트부터 함께 성장한 CG 아티스트들도 있습니다.이것이 폭스 렌더팜이 에버그린 프로그램 개최를 주장하는 이유입니다. 더 많은 예술가들에게 혜택을 주고, 이는 다시 CG 커뮤니티와 함께 전체적으로 번영하는 것입니다.2023년에 등록한 신규 사용자로 첫 번째 충전을 완료할 준비가 된 경우 100달러를 적립하고 에버그린 프로그램으로 100달러 렌더 쿠폰을 받을 수 있습니다. 이제 Fox Renderfarm에서 첫 번째 빠른 렌더링을 시작하십시오!바로충전:**renderfarm**.com/evergreen-program.html2023년 에버그린 프로그램은 3개월 동안 진행될 예정입니다. 쿠폰은 Fox Renderfarm 계정으로 직접 전송되며 렌더링 프로젝트에 직접 사용할 수 있습니다.규칙:4월 10일부터 7월 10일(UTC+8) 사이에 $100의 첫 번째 충전을 완료한 신규 사용자는 $100 렌더링 쿠폰을 추가로 받을 수 있습니다.받을 수 있는 최대 쿠폰은 $100입니다.제공되는 렌더쿠폰은 충전일로부터 6개월간 유효합니다.Fox Renderfarm은 사전 통지 없이 언제든지 이러한 조건을 변경, 수정 또는 추가할 권리를 보유합니다.

Foundry's Nuke 14.0 is Out Now!

Foundry's Nuke 14.0 is Out Now!



3D Tool

Foundry releases Nuke 14.0, a major update. Nuke 14.0 offers a beta 3D system with higher performance, 40+ nodes and new workflows, as well as updates to UnrealReader, login-based licensing and Cattery.New 3D System (Beta)The new Nuke’s 3D system, which introduces a new beta USD-based system, allows artists to effectively handle modern 3D scenes at scale.The new USD architecture brings Nuke's 3D up to modern standards and introduces a dedicated scene graph, new path and masking workflows, more than 40 new nodes and USD-based workflows. New material and light nodes are also introduced in Nuke 14.0.In order to optimize the new 3D system, the Nuke team has introduced a dedicated community forum for users to discuss and give feedback to the 3D team.In addition, to ensure that artists do not lose access to any of the workflows they are used to, the new system will work in parallel with the classic 3D system.Image via FoundryUnrealReaderIn Nuke 14.0, UnrealReader supports Unreal Custom Render Passes, allowing for non-photorealistic rendering effects, and includes OpenColorIO support, allowing for matching color spaces between Nuke and Unreal, easier picking of Sequences, and access to Unreal Sequence metadata to retrieve information about objects like lights.CatteryFoundry has released Cattery, a free third-party library, open source machine learning models converted to .cat files to run natively in Nuke. Cattery provides artists with state-of-the-art models that address segmentation, depth estimation, optical flow, upscaling, denoising, and style transfer. It also plans to expand the models hosted in the future and open the site up to user submissions.Learn more about what's new in Nuke 14.0.Read the release notes of Nuke 14.0.Watch the overview of Nuke 14.0:As a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry, we are also offering a free $25 trial to every new registered user, so start rendering your beautiful work now!Source: Foundry

Foundry’s Katana 6.0 is Out Now!

Foundry’s Katana 6.0 is Out Now!


Fox Renderfarm News

3D Tool

Following the release of Nuke 14.0 and Mari 6.0, Foundry has released its powerful look development and lighting tool, Katana 6.0. In Katana 6.0 a new Performance tab was introduced, as well as LiveShadingGroups and Material Solo features to simplify your creation process.What's New in Katana 6.0?Performance TabThe new Performance tab allows users to debug their scenes more efficiently, becoming able to track the scale of the scene. You can see the number of nodes present in your project, as well as the number of contributing and selected nodes, and understand where the bottlenecks may lie in your Node Graph by analyzing the information.Material SoloThe new Material Solo feature gives you instant access to all parts of the material setups, enabling you to quickly isolate and debug complex material networks.LiveShadingGroupsThe new LiveShadingGroups feature extends Katana's lookdev toolset for a more complete range of tools. LiveShadingGroups enable users to seamlessly share and reuse their work between projects, assets or other artists. Any changes made to the original LiveShadingGroup are automatically applied to any scene that contains it, eliminating the need for manual updates when reopened.NetworkMaterialEdit Material InterfaceThe new NetworkMaterialEdit Material Interface feature allows users to easily modify and manage the material interface within the NetworkMaterialEdit node. No longer limited to working in a linear way, now you have more freedom to modify setups downstream, which allows you to make changes without having the original material on hand and have better flexibility when working with materials.Learn more about Katana 6.0.Watch the overview of Katana 6.0:As a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry, we are also offering a free $25 trial to every new registered user, so start rendering your beautiful work now!Source: Foundry

Fox Renderfarm Has Your Back Against COVID-19

Fox Renderfarm Has Your Back Against COVID-19



Cloud Rendering Farm

Most of us are successfully getting back to the office with our masks on every working day after 1-month working from home. No matter during the quarantine session or in office now, our unaltered purpose is to keep the services available and accessible for you as easy as it was before the outbreak. So the machinery has been working non-stop, and our customer service, technical and business support team have been working dedicatedly since January 28th.Besides wearing masks, everyone’s temperature is tested twice a day and we are sprayed with disinfectant every time we enter the office area. The entire office building and any facility around are sterilized strictly and timely. Moreover, discussions and meetings are brought to video conferencing to keep a safe social distance.We guarantee that online communication and remote working do no harm to your data security at all. As a TPN-accredited vendor, Fox Renderfarm is in compliance with the TPN standards and our NDA requirements. All your data, assets and information are accessed and transferred accordingly as usual, and it’s definitely leakage-worry-free. Rayvision Technology (HK) Limited (Fox Renderfarm’s company) If you are having a tight deadline and crazy workloads, but working from home and your PC constantly crashing down cause you a headache in the rendering process, massive render nodes at Fox Renderfarm are at your fingertips. Plus, our 24/7 customer service and professional TD support are seeking better and better solutions for you. Fox Renderfarm spares no effort to help you minimize rendering disruption to your work, and we would love to overcome difficulties with our beloved partners and friends together.Creativity, humanity and love are what make us solid and strong that COVID-19 is never able to conquer. Please stay home and stay safe! By holding our hands together, victory will come very soon!Best regards,Fox RenderfarmYour Powerful Cloud Render Farm

Key Words

3D Art Competitions|3D Tool|Trailer|Fox Renderfarm Promotion|Cloud Rendering Farm|Annecy Festival|MILESTONES|Fox Renderfarm|Desktop Client|Blender|Bollywood films|Hum3D Contest|NVIDIA|Silkroad Digital Vision|Malaysian Animated Films|Indiajoy|Architectural Visualization|CGarchitect Architectural 3Dawards|Best cloud rendering services|Render cloud|VFX|Upin & Ipin|Green Book|Fox Renderfarm Interview|Mission Mangal|Kre8tif!|Fox Renderfarm Mini Program|CG|CG Tech Summit Malaysia|film works|cloud rendering|Golden Horse Award|Shadow|SIGGRAPH Asia 2018|Morrigan Flebotte|VWArtclub Annual *Contest|Asswad Mouhamad|animation works|IMax Studio|Boonie Bears|Renderosity|Gary S. Kennedy|Evermotion Challenge 2018|Brian Beaudry|Bobby Bala|Mohit Sanchaniya|Katapix Media|Flying Car Productions|Razer|The Shipment|FoxRenderfarm|CG Tech Summit|Alpacalypse Productions|halloween|Hum3d Survial Car Challenge|Federico Ciuffolini|Ralf Sczepan|Iavor Trifonov|Clarisse|CGTS Malaysia|Isotropix|C4D|Tomasz Bednarz|V-Ray|Cinema 4D|MAXON|siggraph caf|Evermotion challenge 2017|CGTrader Space Competition|film of the year|Le Anh Nhan|Planet Unknown|Fox Renderfarm 2017 Achievements|CSFF|Julio Soto|boar 2017|Deep|SIGGRAPH Asia 2017|Chris Sun|Glass Cage|Making Life of Bri' n Chris|anthem studios|The Rookies|Peter Draper|Makuta VFX|Baahubali 2|CG Competition|enchantedmob|CG Studios|Academy Awards|CGVray|weeklycgchallenge|SketchUp|siggraph 2017|Chris Buchal|SIGGRAPH Asia|LightWave|Indigo Renderer|Rafael Chies|V-Ray RT|CPU Rendering|NVIDIA Iray|Chaos Group|OctaneRender|Redshift|STAR CORE|CICAF|VR|Mr. Hublot|Ribbit|GPU Rendering|Linux|Monkey Island|LuxRender|HPC|Render Farm|Life of Bri|WORLD LAB|Michael Wakelam|3D Rendering|Online Render Farm|Alibaba|Baahubali|VAX|Malaysia|2015 Hangzhou Computing Conference|Oscar|SIGGRAPH|CGTrader|Kunming Asia Animation Exhibition|Evermotion|RenderMan|


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