FGT3D Hero Challenge
1st Place

Title: Heroes are everywhere
Created by Akhil Alukkaran
What Akhil says:
“What makes a hero? It doesn't always have to be something great, even a small act of kindness can also be considered heroic, even if it is just a good thought it shows that there is a hero in you. Heroes are everywhere, you just have to look closer.”
What our jury says:
Fox Renderfarm Team: “The coloring, composition, lighting, complexity, children, puppies, and storytelling reminded me of the works of Norman Rockwell.”
Graswald Team: “Great image with a great message! I love how the feeling of the city was captured with the grafiti, the trash cans and the smoke. The rain sets the mood while in the back, the sun is shining, showing there’s always hope. ”
Productioncrate Team: “Strong composition and good narrative, lovely lightning!”
Textures.com Team: “This artwork conveys the concept of what makes a hero in one of the purest forms. Great storytelling. ”
Marmoset Team: “Anyone that cares for animals is a Hero in our book!”
TopoGun Team: “Indeed, heroes are everywhere. Very nicely rendered and detailed.”
Texturebox Team: “There are thousands of good people helping who need it. Kids, men, women, they are real heroes.”
Friendly Shade Team: “Great concept! I'd change the focus more towards the person with the dogs by framing it differently, maybe cropping the upper part of the image? The environment is drawing too much of the attention the subject deserves.”
2nd Place

Title: Cuddly Protector
Created by Jeffrey Frias
What Jeffrey says:
“Made for sweet dreams.”
What our jury says:
Fox Renderfarm Team: “In terms of storytelling, this work stimulates the audience’s imagination. The narrative lighting creates a horrible atmosphere that children can accept. The main light outside the window guides the audience to pay attention to the little bear while the lamp leads to the monster behind the door. The setting of the children’s room, the scars on the bear’s body, and the posters on the wall all need plenty of time for in-depth character story background settings. The tension built in the scene also allows the audience to have a creative imagination of the story.”
Graswald Team: “I love the idea of this image, and it was executed very well. The pose and the lighting set the mood and I love the details in the room, like the teddy bear holding the toy sword of the child. Great work! ”
TopoGun Team: “Good idea, perfect setting, the context (childhood) is where heroes are needed the most in our lives. The artist paid attention to details, lighting and most of all, composition.”
Friendly Shade Team: “Love this idea!”
3rd Place

Title: Hero's Journey
Created by Sathish Kumar
What our jury says:
Fox Renderfarm Team: “The psychedelic atmosphere and the grand view of the scene give the audience endless imagination in both the storytelling and character design. The composition, scene settings, and imagination are close to the level of blockbuster design. It is a masterpiece combining art and imagination.”
Graswald Team: “This piece has little context, but it captured me instantly with its tone. Displaying heroism as a journey of self-development and showing the hero so small in contrast to the huge world tells a story about what heroism really is all about.”
Productioncrate Team: “Nice subject and structure. would have liked to see more variations in the creatures and riders, their positioning seems too cloned. overall narrative and composition are strong.”
Textures.com Team: “Super polished artwork with good value structure, color palette and mood. Could easily be a keyframe for an upcoming movie.”
Texturebox Team: “It seems to loo a utopic universe. And every utopic universe needs a hero. It reminds me of avatar anime.”
Here you can see the 12 entries that received votes by our jury

Title: Cuddly Protector
Created by Jeffrey Frias
“Made for sweet dreams.”
Have you ever imagined the shape of Heroes? Marvel heroes save the world with their superpower; soldiers defeat enemies for the country in a decisive battle; the frontline medical workers rescue people from the deadly pandemic. Hero is everywhere. What hero looks like in your mind, set your imagination free, create a 3D render, and tell us your Hero story.
Enjoy your creation and happy render!
3 artworks will be selected and awarded!
1st Place Winner
- Fox Renderfarm $500 Render Coupon
- TopoGun SINGLE license x1
- Friendly Shade 1 bundle of texture maps
- Graswald ProPersonal license x1
- Raysync Large File Transfer Pro 1-year license x1
- ProductionCrate 2 years Pro membership x1
- Textures.com 1 year subscription with 2500 credits per month ($325 value) ×1
- Texturebox Patreon Membership x 3 months
- $200 Marmoset Shop Gift Card
2nd Place Winner
- Fox Renderfarm $300 Render Coupon
- TopoGun SINGLE license x1
- Friendly Shade 1 bundle of texture maps
- Graswald ProPersonal license x1
- Raysync Large File Transfer 50TB (Pay as you go edition)
- ProductionCrate 1 year Pro membership x1
- Textures.com 2500 credit pack ($110 value) ×1
- Texturebox Patreon Membership x 2 months
- $100 Marmoset Shop Gift Card
3rd Place Winner
- Fox Renderfarm $200 Render Coupon
- TopoGun SINGLE license x1
- Friendly Shade 1 bundle of texture maps
- Graswald ProPersonal license x1
- Raysync Large File Transfer 10TB (Pay as you go edition)
- ProductionCrate 1 year Pro membership x1
- Textures.com 1000 credit pack ($59 value) ×1
- Texturebox Patreon Membership x 1 month
- $50 Marmoset Shop Gift Card
Besides, the winning artworks will gain a great amount of exposure and publicity.
· Interview with Fox Renderfarm
· Advertisement and promotion on our official website, social media accounts, and newsletters.
Send your artwork to fgt3d@foxrenderfarm.com with your name and the name of the work.
· Your entry must relate to the challenge’s theme (we strongly encourage you to set your imagination free)
· Your entry must be a 3D rendered image
· Your entry can be created by one artist or a group
· There’s no limitation on styles and the choices of software and plugins
· Your entry must be original art created specifically for the challenge (no existing projects)
· Minimal use of third party assets is allowed, as long as they are not the main focus of your scene (third party textures and materials are not included in this rule and can be used freely)
· No fanart allowed
· Feel free to enhance your rendering
· Images that depict hate, racism, sexism or other discriminatory factors are not allowed
· Works must be submitted before the deadline
The prizes are provided by our awesome sponsors.
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