3ds Max plugin submit tutorial

Terms of Use

1.Start the desktop client, select the platform to log in, and enter the main interface.




2.Submit a rendering job through 3ds Max's foxrenderfarm menu.(If 3ds Max's foxrenderfarm does not exist, please check "Plug-in script update and uninstall")

foxplugin maxsubmit v4-003

3.Click the "Plugin config" button to configure the plugin version

foxplugin maxsubmit v4-004

Note: By default, one job is submitted at a time. If you submit multiple jobs,check the Activite Batch Render to add multiple views.

4.Click “QuickCheck” start analysis, pop up analysis progress page (Note: corresponding prompt will appear in case of any error in the analysis results or warning thereof)

foxplugin maxsubmit v4-005

5.Click "Submit" to start uploading. After the submission is completed, the rendering will automatically start and the rendering will be automatically downloaded.



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