Maya web submit tutorial

Terms of Use

I. Preparations for Maya web submission

1.1 In the case of web login, please visit web login for details.

1.2 In the case of web transfer, please visit web transfer for details.

1.3 Compare the local and could asset directories.

maya-web-submit-en v4-001

II. Maya web submission process (4 steps: submit > analyze > render > download):

2.1 Click “Submit” button on the left, select the software for submission > set a project path (Note: select a project path to map the local Maya project path) > select the document for rendering, after that, click “Next”.


2.2 Select software version and hardware configuration corresponding to the file (Note: selection of the rendering system), click "Go Analysis", and wait patiently for the analysis to complete.



2.3 Click the job with “Analysis Done”, set render parameters and then submit it for rendering (Note: the rendering actually starts only at this job)


2.4 On the rendering page, click the job > export the file > download.


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