Transfer error solutions

I.Process of handling upload/download problems:

  1. Double click the jobs that can’t be transferred normally, and the progress details will pop up below (note that every message related to transfer will carry the job number).
  2. If the progress or speed is changing, it means that the job is in transfer and not stuck.
  3. If it keeps prompting “connecting to the access server”, you may require the network administrator to confirm whether to open the corresponding IP and ports, or if there’s no problem, then you may contact customer service for help.
  4. If it continuous prompts “failed to connect to the access server, successfully connected to the access server…cycle”, it means that the access server can be connected but the transfer server can’t be connected, then you may contact customer service for help.
  5. In case “Error x” is indicated, you may refer to the Error Code List for solution.

Error Code List

Error code Description Solution
0 Success -
1 Failure -
80 Invalid storage ID Reason 1: the storage is replaced but the client isn’t restarted.
Solution 1: restart the client.
Reason 2: the corresponding storage is not configured on the transfer server or cdl server .
Solution 2: contact the online customer service.
81 Rayvision transfer server is down. -
82 Insufficient permission (for Aspera engine) -
100 Unidentified local error -
101 Failure to create an internal event locally. The memory is not enough, and you need to restart the client.
102 Invalid data is received locally. -
103 Invalid channel data of local connection. -
104 Failure to access local path. -
105 Check if the file does not exist. Be sure to copy the wrong file name from the details and access it directly.
106 The local path is a file. -
107 The local path is a directory. -
108 The local path is too long for the engine to support it. -
109 Failure to create local file. Select the downloaded job, right click it to open the storage, enter the download directory to check whether the directory can be accessed normally or whether you have the authority to create files, mostly in the case of network paths.
110 Failure to open local file. -
111 Failure to read local file. -
112 Failure to write local file. -
113 Failure of local file offset. -
114 Failure to rename the local path. -
115 Failure to delete the local path. -
116 The local file is not complete (the download is complete, but the size is not as large as expected). Wait for the automatic download retry, or restart the client, or switch the engine.
117 Local file overflow (the download is completed, but the size is larger than expected). Wait for the automatic download retry, or restart the client, or switch the engine.
118 Failure to create local directory. 1. If the transfer details are as: “/123test” -> “”, that is, the local directory is empty, in this case, exit the anti-virus software, delete the job from the download list, then select the job from the rendering job list, and download it again.
2. If the transfer details are as: “/123
test” -> “garbled code”, that is, the local directory has garbled code, in this case, reset the download directory, delete the job from the download list, then select the job from the rendering job list, and download it again.
119 Failure to open local directory. -
120 Failure to locally parse the information of the directory to be downloaded (displayed). -
120 Failure to locally parse the information of the directory to be downloaded (displayed). -
121 Failure to parse the information of the storage root directory of the storage server locally. -
122 Failure to set the save directory of the download file (Rayvision engine). -
123 There are multiple threads uploading the same file locally Usually you can wait for it to automatically recover, or stop all upload jobs and upload one by one, or restart the client.
124 Failure to send the request to the server locally (the connection is broken, generally it can be ignored, and you can wait for the automatic recovery). -
125 When the file is transferred locally and no file data is received for a long time, causing the engine to automatically disconnect (will automatically retry). See “Individual error reanalysis” for “Disconnection caused by timeout”.
126 A locally initiated request fails to receive a response from the server for a long time, causing the engine to automatically disconnect (will automatically retry). See “Individual error reanalysis” for “Disconnection caused by timeout”.
127 Failure to communicate with OSS server. -
128 Failure to obtain the temporary login key of OSS server locally (it may be the failure to access W7 website or the W7-related abnormal functions, or the failure to access STS server of Alibaba Cloud, which generally doesn’t occur for a long time and may not be dealt with in the short term). -
129 Failure to locally parse the temporary login key of OSS server returned from W7. -
130 Failure of local Aspera engine to create a session. -
131 Failure of local connection to open the channel (the connection is abnormal and will try to recover automatically). -
132 Local disconnection (local active cancellation of transfer). -
133 Local system error. -
134 Local Aspera error. -
135 No specific destination path is given locally. -
136 Local license error. -
137 Local security authentication error. Reason 1: the user has restrictions on the network and doesn’t release the IP address and ports of the transfer server.
Solution 1: release the IP address and ports of the transfer server.
Reason 2: the user has restrictions on software.
Solution 2: add ascp.exe and QRenderbus.exe to the whitelist.
138 Too many files are opened locally. -
139 The local path is invalid. -
140 The local path already exists. -
141 The local file is too large. -
142 The local file list is too large. -
143 There are no local jobs to transfer. -
144 The local disk is full. Cell
145 Failure to encrypt the customer’s local data. -
146 Failure to decrypt the customer’s local data. -
147 The customer’s local Aspera ports are abnormal. -
200 Unidentified remote error. -
201 Failure to create internal event remotely. The memory is not enough, and you need to restart the server.
202 Invalid data is received remotely. -
203 Invalid channel data of remote connection. -
204 Failure to access remote path. -
205 The remote path doesn’t exist. -
206 The remote path is a file. -
207 The remote path is a directory. See “Individual error reanalysis” for “Remote path parsing abnormalities”.
208 The remote path is too long for the engine to support it. -
209 Failure to create remote file. See “Individual error reanalysis” for “Problems caused by invalid paths, code anomalies or garbled code”.
210 Failure to open remote file. -
211 Failure to read remote file. -
212 Failure to write remote file. -
213 Failure of local file offset. -
214 Failure to rename the remote path. 1. If it’s a .7z or .rayvision file, try to pause the upload and then start the upload, or try to pause the upload and then restart the client.
2. The file on the storage may be occupied (by rendering job), find the related file from the storage and try to change the name, or if the name can’t be changed, it means that the file is occupied, or if the file is identified not to be rendered, please consult the online customer service.
3. The Aspera server may be down and occupy some files (if the files are such configuration files as .json or .cfg, then it’s definitely this problem), then you need to restart the machine corresponding to the Aspera server.
215 Failure to delete the remote path. Try to pause the upload and then start the upload or try to pause the upload and then restart the client, or otherwise switch the engine.
216 The remote file is not complete (the download is complete, but the size is not as large as expected). 1. Generally it can be ignored, and it will be re-uploaded.
2. If the Aspera engine is currently used and the check is enabled, then try to disable the check.
3. If this error occurs several times in the same file, then switch the engine or restart the client.
217 Remote file overflow (the download is completed, but the size is larger than expected). -
218 There are multiple connections uploading the same file remotely Generally, you needn’t care about it as the current connection will automatically retry after the transfer connection succeeds or fails.
219 Failure to create remote directory. See “Individual error reanalysis” for “Problems caused by invalid paths, code anomalies or garbled code”.
220 Failure to open remote directory. -
221 Failure to remotely create the information of directory to be downloaded (displayed). -
222 Failure to remotely create the information of root directory of the storage server. -
223 Failure to set the save directory of the upload file (Rayvision engine). See “Individual error reanalysis” for “Problems caused by invalid paths, code anomalies or garbled code”.
224 Remote disconnection (Rayvision transfer server is disconnected from Rayvision engine, and generally it can be ignored, or otherwise it may be server abnormality). Rayvision transfer server is disconnected from Rayvision engine, and generally it can be ignored, or otherwise it may be server abnormality, then change the engine or line, or it still fails, it may be caused by busy storage.
225 Invalid remote path. -
226 The remote path already exists. See “Individual error reanalysis” for “Remote path parsing abnormalities” and “Problems caused by invalid paths, code anomalies or garbled code”.
227 The remote is too large. -
228 The remote file list is too large. -
229 There are no remote jobs to transfer. -
230 The remote disk is full. -
231 The remote path is out of range. -
232 Failure to encrypt the remote service data. -
233 Failure to decrypt the remote service data. -
234 remote mount offline. -
300 Unidentified remote error (will not occur and for internal use only). -

II. Handling other errors

  1. Errors 300-500 belong to validation error. 1.1 If a short-term error occurs in an individual file, you can ignore it and wait for the automatic retry. 1.2 If it’s Aspera engine with continuous and batch errors, then switch the engine or disable the check.
  2. The validation server can’t be connected. If it’s temporary, then it can be ignored, or try to switch the lines or temporality disable the check.
  3. The transfer speed is slow. 3.1 The client transfer speed is 4-5MB/S but it still seems slow, you can limit the speed on the client with 1000 roughly representing 1MB/S. In addition, 1048576 represents unlimited speed (The default in the latest client has been changed to unlimited speed), but it may cause the customer’s network to crash. 3.2 If the customer’s bandwidth is much higher than the customer’s speed, the line may be wrong. Try to switch the line and make the customer input “ip” on Baidu to check the type of the customer’s bandwidth. The customer of the Telecom selects “DianXin” (or CTCC), the customer of Mobile selects “YiDong” (or CMCC) and the customer of Unicom selects “Liantong” (or CUCC).
  4. The connection is broken due to timeout.
    4.1 Error-125: client wait file data timeout. When the file is transferred locally and no file data is received for a long time, causing the engine to automatically disconnect (will automatically retry). 4.2 Error-126: client wait message response timeout. A locally initiated request fails to receive a response from the server for a long time, causing the engine to automatically disconnect (will automatically retry). This timeout error may be caused by three reasons:
  • It’s blocked by the firewall (of customer’s local, router or operator), in this case, the transfer IP and port provided by us shall be released (in the case of home network, turn off the firewall), and restart the client to observe it.
  • It’s blocked by the anti-virus software, in this case, try to exit all anti-virus software and restart the client to observe it. 
  • The transfer speed occupies too many bandwidths, causing the network congestion or being blocked by other security software, which is manifested by speed being large for a while and disconnected due to timeout for a while, in this case, try to limit the speed at the client or third-party software (limit the speed of ascp.exe, QRenderbus.exe, QFoxRenderfarm.exe by using netlimiter software in case you are abroad).
  1. Remote path parsing abnormalities 5.1 Error-207: server path is a directory. The remote path is a directory. 5.2 Error-226: server path already exists. The remote path already exists. This error may be caused by two reasons: 1. There is a directory with the same name on the storage (the customer’s local path is a file and there is already a folder with the same name on the storage). 2. The remote path transferred from the client is wrong. Whether it being the wrong script or the client parsing abnormality shall be determined preliminarily by the configuration file render.cfg/upload.json and further determined via checking the following files: in the case of animated version, check %appdata%\RenderBus\RenderbusAnim\UserJobnumber\UncompleteUploadFile.db; or in the case of rendering, check %appdata%\RenderBus\RenderbusVFX\ UserJobnumber \UncompleteUploadFile.db; or in the case of client parsing abnormality, retry the following steps: (1. Exit the client first, then delete db files on it and restart the client to upload. (2. Contact the online customer service in the case of abnormal script analysis result to define which case it is. Check the configuration file and then to check the corresponding storage file in the configuration file. (3. Check the transfer log which contains “(local path)->(remote path)” to confirm whether the remote path is consistent with the configuration file or not, if yes, it’s the case 5.1 or otherwise case 5.2).
  2. Problems caused by invalid paths, code anomalies or garbled code. 6.1 Error-147: client Aspera port error. If the upload of the entire job fails, then it may be a network limit or server abnormality. Or if the upload of individual file fails, then it’s most likely due to the garbed code of file path (only such case is discussed here). 6.2 Failure to create remote file. 6.3 Failure of server to create remote directory. The creation of save directory of the upload file remotely fails. 6.4 Failure to set the save directory. Setting the save directory of the upload file remotely (Rayvision engine) fails. 6.5 The remote path already exists.
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