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3ds Maxレンダーファームのベスト5選

3ds Maxレンダーファームのベスト5選

有名なコンピュータ グラフィックス プログラムである 3ds Max は、ゲーム、建築、アニメーション、デジタル画像の作成に利用されています。MayaやAutoCADと同じAutodeskが所有する3ds Maxは、レンダリング作業に優れています。3dsMaxは、そのスピードとユーザーフレンドリーなアプローチで高く評価されています。

3ds Max が広く普及していることを考えると、レンダー ファームとこのプログラムの互換性は不可欠になります。この記事では、2024 年のトップ 3ds Max レンダー ファーム 5 つを紹介します。それでは、詳細を見てみましょう。

3ds Max レンダーファーム トップ5

1. Fox Renderfarm - ベスト 3ds Max レンダーファーム

Fox Renderfarm homepagejp

Fox Renderfarm は、高品質のパフォーマンス、24 時間年中無休のカスタマー サービス、柔軟な価格設定で高い評価を得ていて、業界トップクラスの 3ds Max レンダリング ファームです。CPU と GPU の両方をサポートしており、Windows、Mac、Linux に対応できます。3ds Max、Maya、Cinema 4D などの人気ソフトウェアはすべてサポートされています。また、YouTube チャンネルと公式 Web サイトで、3ds Maxのユーザー向けに詳細なレンダリング ガイドも提供しています。新規登録者には、サービスを試すことができる 25 ドルの無料レンダリング クーポンをプレゼントします。

2. Megarender - 3ds Max レンダーファーム

5 Best 3ds Max Render Farm You Should Know- Megarender

Megarender は、フリーランサーや大小規模スタジオ向けに、アクセスしやすく信頼性の高いレンダリング サービスを提供することを目的に、2014 年に設立されました。その 3ds Max クラウド レンダリング サービスは、世界中のアニメーション スタジオや VFX スタジオで利用できます。Megarender は、現在最も強力なプロセッサの 1 つである Threadrippers 3990X を提供しています。3ds Max は 2009 年から 2024 年までサポートされており、6 つのレンダリング エンジンと 15 のプラグインもサポートされています。

3. 3S クラウド レンダー ファーム - 3ds Max 向けクラウド レンダリング

5 Best 3ds Max Render Farm You Should Know-3S cloud render farm

3S クラウド レンダー ファームは、ユーザーがレンダリング タスクをコンピューター ネットワークに割り当てることができるクラウド レンダリング サービスです。レンダリング プロセスを高速化し、待機キューをなくすために、高構成の CPU/GPU サーバーを無制限に提供します。V-Ray、Corona、Arnoldに加え、他の3D制作スイートやレンダーエンジンによる3ds Maxクラウドレンダリングをサポートしています。さらに、無料のプレビュー レンダリング機能により、正確なコストと時間の見積もりと無料のプレビュー イメージが提供されます。 

4. RebusFarm - 3ds Max レンダーファーム

5 Best 3ds Max Render Farm You Should Know- rebusfarm

RebusFarm は 10 年以上にわたり、あらゆるレベルの 3D アーティストやスタジオ向けの信頼性の高いクラウド レンダリング ソリューションとして機能してきました。RebusFarm は、V-Ray、Corona、Arnold などのさまざまなレンダリング エンジンを備えたすべてのバージョンの 3ds Max クラウド レンダリングをサポートしています。Rebus Farminizer ソフトウェアは 3ds Maxにプラグインされ、アイコン、メニュー、リボンからアクセスできます。また、ワンクリックでアセットの完全自動パスを変更して簡単にエクスポートすることもできます。

5. iRender - 3ds Max レンダリングファーム

5 Best 3ds Max Render Farm You Should Know-irender

iRender は、人、喜び、創造性を会社の使命の中心に据えているベトナムの 3ds Max レンダリング ファームです。V-Ray (RT)、Corona、Mental Ray など、3ds Max のすべての 3D レンダリング エンジンをサポートし、顧客の特定の要件を満たすためにさまざまなマシン構成の選択肢を提供します。チームによる 24 時間 年中無休の熱心なサポートと相まって、iRender は優れた 3ds Max クラウド レンダリング パフォーマンスを提供します。


3ds Max はビジュアル コンテンツを作成するための多目的ツールです。人気が高まるにつれ、タスクを完了するためのレンダリング ファームを選択する際に、3ds Max との互換性が重要な考慮事項となります。多くのファームでは、新規ユーザー向けに特別オファーを提供しています。たとえば、Fox Renderfam では、新規登録ユーザーに 25 ドルの無料レンダリング クーポンを提供しています。興味がある場合は、この機会にクラウド レンダリング サービスを無料でお試しください。


Any Free Render Farm for Cinema 4d, Maya, 3ds Max?
Any Free Render Farm for Cinema 4d, Maya, 3ds Max?
I think you always search for a free render farm for Cinema 4d, Maya, 3ds Max, but you will find that a completely free render farm does not exist, to be honest, most of the platforms needs to charge due to the reasons below.1. Hardware costThe bigger the render farm network, the quicker the rendering speed. According to the top render farm companies such as FoxRenderfarm, they have over 30,000 physical servers, you can calculate the hardware cost.2. Maintaining CostNeed to rent a room in the data centre to place all of the rendering nodes. It would also be a large expense every year.3. Human Resource CostNeed a lot of specialists in customer service, technical support, research & development, marketing.However, you can find out which render farm is the cheaper one, at the same time, you can get a free trial from the render farm. I would like to introduce Fox Renderfarm, the best cloud rendering service in the world. It has high compatibility, supports most mainstream software and plugins, including 3ds Max, Maya, Arnold, V-Ray, Redshift etc.Fox Renderfarm is a leading cloud rendering service provider in the industry. Since the operation in 2011, Fox Renderfarm has earned a good reputation for its quality performance, great customer service, and flexible pricing scheme. With over 20 years of experience, the pioneering core team served more than 400,000 users and top leading visual effects companies and animation studios from over 100 countries or regions, clients including multiple awards and Oscar winners.Web-based Cloud Rendering PlatformThe picture is the web-based interface of the platform,1. The upper right corner is message, guide, setting and account info;2. The left is rendering steps;3. The middle is the dashboard of render info.Desktop ClientThe picture is the desktop client interfaceReady for Windows and Linux users;Drag-and-drop batch submission;Submit your jobs inside your 3D software.**Ready For Windows*Supported Software:Maya 2015 64bit+ / 3ds Max 2014 64bit+Fox Renderfarm's Data Center is powered by 100% green, renewable energy:Hydro Wind turbinesPUE 1.2The users of Fox Renderfarm are making a big contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting our environment.If you want to learn more about Fox Renderfarm, we offer a US$25 free trial to new users, welcome to take an experience. Enjoy your cloud rendering journey with Fox Renderfarm!
Get Started on Game Modeling with 3ds Max Modeling Tips
Get Started on Game Modeling with 3ds Max Modeling Tips
The reason why 3D is called "3D" is because it takes a 2D profile of an object and extrudes it along a certain path, forming complex 3D objects. Different shapes can be applied to different segments along the same path. This transformation path is called loft modeling. Today, Fox Renderfarm, as a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the industry, will introduce the basic modeling techniques 3ds Max loft modeling to you.Lattice ModelingMaya's powerful lattice modeling tool is incredibly powerful but often overlooked by beginners. The lattice allows you to efficiently make overall changes to high-resolution models, avoiding the tedious task of manipulating hundreds or thousands of edges and vertices individually.Despite being a powerful tool, lattice modeling is often missed by beginners, partly because it is located under the Animation tab rather than the Polygon Modeling tab in Maya's interface.Image from Internet, copyright of the original authorSoft SelectionAre you tired of moving each vertex individually?Just like the lattice modeling, the soft selection feature allows you to efficiently modify a region of a model by setting a controllable falloff radius for each vertex, edge, or face. In other words, when soft selection is enabled, selecting a vertex and translating it in space will also affect the surrounding vertices (the degree of influence is determined by the falloff radius you have set).Soft selection is particularly useful for modeling organic objects such as skeletons, muscles, and faces. It helps you achieve smoother transitions and deformations between different parts of the model.Image from Internet, copyright of the original authorThe Duplicate SpecialHave you ever been frustrated while modeling objects with regularly spaced elements, like fences? The Duplicate Special feature allows you to create multiple copies of an object and translate, rotate, or scale each instance individually.For example, let's say you need to model a Greek pillar with a series of regularly spaced relief units encircling its surface. In this case, after creating a single relief unit, you can find the central axis of the cylinder and use the duplicate special feature to evenly distribute and replicate each relief unit, making it easy to complete the modeling process.Image from Internet, copyright of the original authorThe Relax BrushBeginners often tend to end the modeling of organic models with a "blocky" appearance. Although Maya does not have a complete set of sculpting tools, it does have some basic sculpting brushes, with the most useful one being the Relax Brush tool.The Relax brush will average out the spacing between the vertices you brush over, resulting in a smoother surface without compromising the model's overall shape. If you are modeling a facial model, for example, you can use the Relax brush to make the blocky face appear more like a smooth skin surface.Find mesh tool under the polygons menu, then sculpt geometry tool, click on the little square behind this option, and find sculpt parameter under properties, locate relax brush, and then go back to the 3D view and brush the vertices you want to smooth.Alternatively, you can select the object you are currently modeling, hold down the right mouse button until a menu appears, and then choose Paint -> Sculpt. In the Sculpt Parameters, select the Relax Brush. You can also modify the brush radius and strength in the brush options tab to control the brush effect.Image from Internet, copyright of the original authorSelection SetsHave you ever had this experience: After spending a long time carefully selecting complex faces, edges, and vertices, and performing a series of operations, you unselect them to start working on something else. Then you realize that you need to make further adjustments to the large area you originally selected, but you have already canceled your previous selection. Now you have to go through the frustration of manually clicking and selecting points, edges, and faces again.Actually, this can be avoided. Maya allows you to save selection sets so that you can quickly and easily activate them later on.If you find yourself repeatedly selecting the same points, edges, or faces, or if you have just spent a lot of time selecting a large area and suspect that you may need to select that area again in the future, use the Command Selection Sets to save it.Select the desired points, edges, or faces, then go to Create -> Quick Select Sets. Name the set and click "OK." (If you want to find it on the toolbar later, click "Add to Shelf"). To quickly select this area in the future, simply go to Edit -> Quick Select Sets and locate your named selection set in the list.Interact with Others MoreMany beginners often overlook this step and rely solely on hard work. While professionals in the workplace can easily communicate with colleagues in the industry, it can be more challenging for beginners.Beginners can exchange experiences with classmates who are learning together, or engage with unfamiliar peers on social platforms and other forums.Regardless of the approach, it is always beneficial to look at other people's work. Hopefully, with the guidance of these tips, everyone can achieve great success.If you have problems with slow 3ds Max rendering on your own computer, you can use a 3ds Max render farm that offer fast cloud rendering service to speed up your 3ds Max rendering and meet your project's delivery date.Source: aliyun
3ds Max Cloud Rendering Tutorials and Render Farm Recommendations
3ds Max Cloud Rendering Tutorials and Render Farm Recommendations
3ds Max is a 3D professional modeling software, animation and rendering application builder, formerly 3D Studio and 3D Studio Max, used to create 3D animations, models, interactive games and visual effects for the entertainment industry. 3Ds Max plays a big role in designing the 2D cross-sectional shapes of 3D models. It can bring characters to life by using a special feature called inverse kinematics that can connect the different components of a character together. So whether you are an architect, a product designer or an illustrator, using 3ds Max to create your projects is a good choice for you. The 3D models are usually converted to CGI through a rendering process.We see a lot of beautiful results after the project is rendered. But rendering in 3ds Max can sometimes take a long time and it doesn't have much to do with your system itself when it comes to rendering. Long rendering times can be affected by many factors, so for creators who use 3ds Max as their primary tool, speeding up 3ds Max rendering times is a huge relief.3ds Max cloud rendering is a useful way to speed up rendering. Many people have only heard of cloud rendering but don't know what it is or how to do it. In fact, cloud rendering, a cloud service that relies on cloud computing, can also be called an online render farm. Fox Renderfarm is a powerful 3ds Max cloud rendering farm, with tens of thousands of rendering machines supporting CPU and GPU rendering, serving over 400,000 users around the world. The following is the tutorials of 3ds Max cloud rendering at Fox Renderfarm.Tutorials for Using 3ds Max Cloud Rendering3ds Max Cloud Rendering Web Submit TutorialStep 1. Preparations for 3ds Max web submission:1.1 Register to get an account with $25 free trial.1.2 Compare the local and could asset directories.Step 2. 3ds Max web submission process (4 steps: submit > analyze > render > download).2.1 Click the “Submit” button on the left, select the software for submission > set a project path (Note: this project path contains all the materials used for the Max file) > select the document for rendering, then click “Continue”.2.2 Select software version and hardware configuration corresponding to the file (Note: selection of the rendering system), click "Go Analysis", and wait patiently for the analysis to complete.2.3 Click the job with “Analysis Done”, set render parameters and then submit it for rendering (Note: the actual rendering starts only at this job)2.4 On the rendering page, click the job > export the file > download.3ds Max Cloud Rendering Desktop Client Submit TutorialStep 1. Start the desktop client, select the platform to log in, and enter the main interface.Step 2. Drag the max file to the job area in the client, thus to trigger the submission and start the scene analysis.Step 3. Select software version and hardware configuration corresponding to the file, and click "Next" to enter the analysis page.Step 4. Click “Next” when the analysis is done (Note: corresponding prompt will appear in case of any error in the analysis results or warning thereof) and set render parameter setting (including: common settings and Vray settings).4.1. Common setting:4.2. Vray settings:Step 5. Click “Submit” to start the uploading. The rendering is automatically started upon the completion of submission, and hence the submission job is successful.That is all about tutorial of 3ds Max cloud rendering. If you have anything else you don't understand, you can consult the customer service or your account manager, but remember to sign up to get an account, and the benefit for new users is a $25 free rendering voucher. If you are a student or educator, you can get a bigger discount, check out our GoCloud Program. Fox Renderfarm is always committed to providing better and more affordable cloud rendering services for everyone in the CG industry!
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Global Agent Contact:Gordon Shaw

Email: gordon@foxrenderfarm.com

Marketing Contact: Rachel Chen

Email: rachel@foxrenderfarm.com

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