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Taiwan Excellence IDENT 2014 : WORLD LAB

Taiwan Excellence IDENT 2014 : WORLD LAB



''The World Lab'' Series shows the evolutionary process of industries through a visualization of elements unique to each specific industry. The laboratory concept symbolizes the power of Taiwan's research and innovation. Safety &x26; SecurityThe visual design of this video draws upon ideas of surveillance, control and safety, which are standards that Taiwan’s security industry consistently achieves.The main character of the video, the robot of the future, well symbolizes the concept of intelligent security surveillance.The main character of the video, the robot of the future, well symbolizes the concept of intelligent security surveillance. The extensive appearance of lenses throughout the video as a visual element reinforces the concept of surveillance.The robot’s design is inspired by shell creatures to help create an image of safety and protection.CREDITClientTaiwan External Trade Development Council ( TAITRA )DirectorSawoozer Wang Production :+AKITIPE STUDIOSCo-Director : Lance NiProducer : John OuConcept Artist : Camille Kuo / Neven Hsu / Sylvia Chen / Tom YiGraphics Design :Niven mo / Walt WangCG Team Supervisor :Juin Chang Ralph WaniekCG Artist : Juin Chang / Lance Ni / Neven Hsu / Tom Yi / Sylvia Chen / AndrewAugustyniak / Andy Zimirski /CG Assistant : Ric Hung / Jyouanmi ChenMusic sound designZelig SoundRenderingFOX RenderfarmSpecial thanks13 Studio / Artery Vision / EvermotionFrom : https://www.behance.net/gallery/14799093/Taiwan-Excellence-IDENT-2014-WORLD-LAB-Ep-2

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Email: gordon@foxrenderfarm.com

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Email: rachel@foxrenderfarm.com

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