Learn How to Make a Handheld Fan in 3D
Today, Fox Renderfarm, the industry's leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm, will bring you a 3D tutorial that explains how to make a handheld fan. Let's get started right now.
- First import the image, use the straight line tool to draw the length of the handle, then use the rotational molding tool to create the handle and add a cover.
- Generate a rectangle using the center point, adjust it to the appropriate size, and then generate a circular runway. At this point, use the fitting tool to get the appropriate shape.
- Select the circular runway that was just generated, hold down Shift to extrude the faces on both sides and add a cover, then use the shell tool to shell both sides.
- Copy the inner edge line of the shell, extrude the face and add the cover, pull off the inner face to keep only the outer side, and then chamfer to generate the outer layer of the shell that needs to be hollowed out.
- Use curves to draw the edge shape of the connecting axis, then use rotational molding to generate the surface, and then add the cover to generate the solid.
- Connect the rectangle diagonal, use the diagonal to generate a round tube, and adjust the angle and thickness of the tube so that the angle and thickness of the tube match the reference picture.
- Draw a diagonal line again and use the Line Array tool to array along this line, where the number of arrays is 18.
- Use the object intersection line function to select the round tube and the shell to be hollowed out, determine whether the position matches by the object intersection line, adjust the position and then cut to get the hollowed out object.
- Use the Rectangle tool to generate a runway circle, adjust it to the right size, then cut and combine it with the hollow object and offset it inward to get the solid. The same can be done for the outer runway circle, here you need to make a copy of the hollow object for backup.
- Use the mirror tool to mirror the hollowed-out model made in the previous step to the back, then use the method in the fourth step to get an unhollowed-out shell, generate a rounded rectangle and cut it according to the second reference picture, then use the combination tool to combine, and finally offset the surface to get the solid.
- Use a rectangle to frame the size of the button, then use a straight line to connect the midpoint of the rectangle, next use the center point tool to generate a circle, and squeeze the circle to the right size and adjust the height of the button.
- Split the button and the handle for spare, and then chamfer the top of the handle for the next step.
- For the base, again using the rotational molding tool. First draw the edge shape using curves, then rotate the shape and cap it to create a solid.
- Now perform the Boolean split between the handle and the base, then detach the surface. Next, copy the edge line, move the inner circle downwards, use the double rail sweep to generate the surface and combine it to obtain the base shape.
- Use the center point circle and rectangle tools to generate the button and indicator light shapes on the handle, extrude the solid and then perform a boolean split with the handle to get the handle shape and the indicator light.
- Use the Rectangle to create the runway circle and rotate it 45° to get the "x" below, then use the Trim tool to trim off the excess lines and combine them. After extruding the surface, use the Boolean split tool to split it to get the "x" icon.
- Now create the circular texture on the button. First abstract the structure line to get a button-sized circle, then generate a circle solid at the circle node, and use the Array Along Curve tool to make an array. Arrange the five columns in sequence according to the image and mirror them to get the desired texture. Finally, we use Boolean split to get the button shape.
- Chamfer the intersection of the button and the handle, and chamfer the intersection of the handle and the base.
- Use the curve to draw the fan shape, then use the XN tool to generate the surface, and array along the center point. The number of arrays here is 5. Adjust the fan blade position and extrude the fan blade solid.
- Check the model and chamfer it to complete the model.
- The next step is to render the product. First, divide the product into four layers, one for the orange object, one for the flesh-colored object, one for the metal connection, and one for the self-illumination. Then start rendering.
- First adjust the model position by aligning the model to the ground in the Advanced Options.
- Set the model materials to the model in turn. Note that you need to turn down the metallic shine of the metal joints in order to get a frosted look.
- Adjust the self-luminous material on the handle to the right intensity in accordance with the light, and choose white as the color.
- Set the setting options in the image to Press Exposure, High Contrast, and Photography.
- Change the background color in the environment settings. Use the straw tool to absorb the image color, turn down the brightness of one light in the HDR editor, hit the light on the hollow surface, adjust the shape of the light to rectangle, and then hit a main light on the left side of the product to make a shadow appear on the right side.
- Adjust the object position in the camera, lock the camera, and finish the rendering.
Source: YBW
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