3D Tutorials: How to Make a Destroyed Library in 3ds Max and ZBrush(1)
The fast and affordable cloud rendering services provider, Fox Renderfarm still share with you 3d tutorials. This project is made by the 3D artist, Yiyu Liao. In this project, he shared the production process of his personal work, a small library scene. He introduced how this scene was made according to his production ideas.
This scene production mainly uses 3ds Max for the basic model, ZBrush for high-mold sculpting, Substance Painter, Photoshop, and Substance Alchemist for texture production, and Marmoset Toolbag for rendering.
Production process
First of all, in order to improve production efficiency, we did not choose to build the whole scene when making this scene. The reasons are as follows:
- Since there are not many resources in the scene, it saves time to make a single resource;
- The construction of plants needs to be planned reasonably after the scene objects are completed.
Hence, the entire scene does not start from the whole, but a single model is made. The normals are baked after each model is completed. After the normals are baked, place the scene in a low-poly state. and then it’s time to bake the entire scene with AO, world space normals, curvature thickness, and other channel maps.
The objects to be made in the scene includes books, bookshelves, bells, floors, globes, stone walls, trees, windows, and plants.
The modeling in this process does not need to make details, only the overall shape. Because this project is a cartoon style, it needs to highlight exaggerated styling changes to make the model more interesting.
Take one of the bookshelves as an example. When making the frame of the bookshelf, let the model present an exaggerated structure with a large upper and a smaller one, and the overall silhouette is a V-shaped trend. This can make the shape exaggerated and highlight cartoon style.
When making a model, you also need to pay attention to the overall wiring of the model and distinguish smooth groups to prepare for the next step of smoothing.
High Model Sculpting
After the model frame is completed, it is necessary to carry out a high-model and detailed carving, continue to make the model more exaggerated, add details, and remember to keep the model clean.
The corners need to be polished with the hPolish brush. The ClayPolish command can make some pits on the surface clean.
The model of the stone wall and floor are made by using Cube 3d in ZBrush. Pay attention to the different shapes of each stone and don't have duplicate stones. For this purpose, two sets of floor models have been specially made, which can make the floor look rich in shape when joining the ground. After finishing the stone walls, floors, and windows, we can directly place these three models in ZBrush and adjust the size. The next step is to make the branches in the scene.
The branches are made using the ZSphere of ZBrush, paying attention to the changes in the edges and corners of the branches. Then we need to use the UV Master of ZBrush to split the UV of the branches. This step is to make the wood grain follow the direction of the branches through the direction of the UV when using the noise.
We need to pay attention to making some small points on the branches. It is better to separate their ID from the ID of the branch itself. It will be much more convenient to distinguish high models after importing to 3ds Max.
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