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Wishing You a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Wishing You a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


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Fox Renderfarm

As the holiday season is finally upon us, Fox Renderfarm wants to wish you aMerry Christmas & Happy New YearThank you for your continued love & support!Fox Renderfarm will continue to providefast, secure, affordable, and easy-to-use cloud rendering servicesfor all CG artists.Last year, we achieved significant milestones thanks to your unwavering trust. As a leading render farm in the industry, Fox Renderfarm has provided cloud rendering services to more than 200,000 users in over 50 countries and regions around the world. We were also devoted to fostering the artistic growth of talented CG artists, playing a vital role in their creative endeavors and contributing to the growth and advancement of the CG community.Fox Renderfarrm is honored to have provided cloud rendering services to astounding film, TV series, animation, and architecture visualizations works. There are many wonderful works rendered with Fox Renderfarm and it is hard to list them all. A special congrats to two award-winning projects: Oni: Thunder Gods Tale and Monster (Japanese: 怪物)!Oni: Thunder Gods Tale won "BEST TV/MEDIA LIMITED SERIES" and "BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN - TV/MEDIA" at the 50th Annie AwardsMonster (Japanese: 怪物) won the Award for Best Screenplay at the 76th Cannes Film Festival, and the Queer PalmWe received so many amazing works from FGT Art, FGT3D New Adventure Challenge in Summer, and FGT3D Pumpkin Mage Challenge in Winter, giving a platform for 3D artists to show their talent.We also promoted the prosperity of the CG community by sponsoring international CG challenges, including Hum3D Car Render Challenge, CGarchitect 3D Awards, polygoniq "Into the Future" Challenge, CGandWE 3D Challenge etc.Great Memories at Annecy Festival & Mifa 2023Amazing Moments at SIGGRAPH 2023We met and communicated with our dear clients, partners and friends at the Annecy Festival & Mifa as well as SIGGRAPH in 2023. Fox Renderfarm also supported the Student Volunteer Program of SIGGRAPH Asia 2023. Image from SIGGRAPH AsiaImage from SIGGRAPH AsiaFox Renderfarm launched special offers such as the Evergreen Program, Raksha Bandhan Special, Diwali Special Offer, and recently the Christmas Super Sale as a gesture of appreciation to our loyal customers.Fox Renderfarm supports the most popular 3D software, renderers and plugins all over the world.Fox Renderfarm continues to support Blender Development Fund Corporate and becomes the Bronze Membership, supporting the core Blender development.May this festive season fill your hearts with love, peace, and happiness!Fox Renderfarm Team

Fox Renderfarm、TPN認定クラウドレンダーファーム

Fox Renderfarm、TPN認定クラウドレンダーファーム


Fox Renderfarm News


Fox Renderfarmは、2019年に新たなマイルストーンに達しました。お客様のプライバシーを保護するため、より安全なクラウドレンダリングファームを構築するための絶え間ない努力とコミットメントにより、Shenzhen Rayvision Technology(Fox Renderfarmの会社)は、MPAAのコンテンツセキュリティベストを無事に完了し、正式にTPN信頼できるパートナーになりました。TPNとは何ですか?信頼できるパートナーネットワーク(TPN)は、2つの主要なエンターテイメント業界の巨人、アメリカ映画協会(MPAA)とサードパーティのエンターテイメント業界評価の世界的リーダーであるContent Delivery&Security Association(CDSA)のジョイントベンチャーです。 MPAAは、効果的な著作権保護の促進、著作権侵害の削減、および市場アクセスの拡大を目的とした非営利のアメリカの業界団体です。一方、CDSAは、リリース前後のサプライチェーン全体でエンターテイメントメディアを保護する国際的なコンテンツ保護協会です。最も権威のある映画およびテレビコンテンツ保護企業の1つとして、TPN評価は、ウォルトディズニースタジオ、ユニバーサルシティスタジオ、ワーナーブラザーズ、Netflixスタジオなどの大企業によって高く評価されています。なぜTPNが必要なのですか?コンテンツとデータのセキュリティは、映画とテレビ業界で常に世界的な関心事でした。特に2017年の注目度の高いプレリリースリークが発生しました。これには、「Orange Is the New Black」シーズン5エピソードの盗難とリリースが含まれますオーディオポストプロダクション会社と、「Game of Thrones」シーズン7のエピソードであり、21世紀フォックスのスターインドで働くデータ管理ベンダーの従業員に由来します。 Netflixが要求された身代金の支払いを拒否した後、ハッキングの悪夢は続きました。ハッカーグループThe Dark Overlordは、「Orange Is the New Black」シーズン5の多くを違法なファイル共有サービスを通じてオンラインでアップロードし、online慢なメッセージやevenるメッセージをオンラインで投稿し続けました。ハリウッドの主要なプロダクションスタジオと業界全体の健康に大きな損害が発生しました。トラステッドパートナーネットワーク(TPN)は、業界規模の新しいグローバルな映画およびテレビコンテンツ保護イニシアチブです。 TPNプログラムは、企業が意図したリリースの前に顧客の映画やテレビ番組の漏洩、侵害、ハッキングを防止し、業界内のセキュリティ意識、準備、能力を高めることを目指しています。エンターテインメント制作および配信会社のセキュリティ基準を設定するグローバルな情報センターとして機能します。これらの業界のベストプラクティスに準拠した独立した評価に合格したパートナーは、TPNディレクトリに「信頼できるパートナー」としてリストされます。MPAA会長兼CEOのチャールズリブキンは声明で次のように述べています。 「だからこそ、スクリプトからスクリーンまで、すべてのサードパーティの操作に対して高いセキュリティ基準を維持することは、創造的な作品の盗難を防ぎ、最終的に活気のある創造的な経済の仕事と健康を守る重要な部分です。」TPNはどのように機能しますか?TPN評価プロセスは、物理的セキュリティ、資産管理、コンテンツライフサイクル、エンタープライズセキュリティ、リスク評価、脆弱性管理、セキュリティ運用とインシデント対応、ポリシーと手順、人事プロセスなどの詳細なセキュリティ要件に加えて、非常に重要です。 、インフラストラクチャ。さらに、評価されたベンダーは、毎年の再評価を行って、セキュリティシステムを継続的に改善し、TPN評価基準をよりよく満たす必要があります。評価レポートはTPNプラットフォーム内で共有され、ベンダーの裁量で既存および潜在的な顧客と共有することもできます。Fox Renderfarm x TPNFox Renderfarmの使命は、強力なレンダリング能力、思いやりのある顧客サービス、安全なデータ保護、柔軟な価格設定スキームを備えた最高の「クラウドレンダリングファーム」になることです。「あなたのガバナンスプログラム(つまり、管理システム)は印象的でした。 ポリシーと手順の観点からは非常に徹底的でした」とTPN評価者のJamesBourne氏はコメントしました。「Rayvision(Fox Renderfarmの会社)は、MPAAのコンテンツセキュリティのベストプラクティスを正確に採用および実装しました...これでTPN認定を受けました。」TPN認定パートナーとして、Fox Renderfarmは、「クラウドレンダリング」ソリューションをより顧客フレンドリーで安全なものにするためのステップを継続します。

Fox Renderfarm Supports X-Particles Now!

Fox Renderfarm Supports X-Particles Now!


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm

As a leading render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm is committed to providing fast and secure cloud rendering service for customers around the world, and now we support one more plugin, INSYDIUM's X-Particles!Image via INSYDIUMX-Particles is built seamlessly into Cinema 4D like it is part of the application. It’s compatible with the existing particle modifiers, object deformers, Mograph effectors, Hair module, native Thinking Particles, and works with the dynamics system in R14 and later.Image via INSYDIUMX-Particles has an advanced particle rendering solution on the market. It enables you to render particles, splines, smoke and fire, all within the Cinema 4D renderer. Included are a range of shaders for sprites, particle wet maps and skinning colors. You can even use sound to texture your objects.As the authorized render farm of X-Particles, Fox Renderfarm supports the most popular 3D software, renderers and plugins all over the world, including 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender, V-Ray, Redshift, etc.With enormous computing power, Fox Renderfarm will continue to provide customers with a faster, safer, smarter, and easier cloud rendering service, helping artists realize their dreams.Source: INSYDIUM

Fox Renderfarm Supports Forest Pack And RailClone Now!

Fox Renderfarm Supports Forest Pack And RailClone Now!



Fox Renderfarm

As a leading render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm is committed to providing fast and secure cloud rendering service for customers around the world, and now we support iToo's Forest Pack and RailClone!Forest Pack is a powerful scattering plugin on the market for 3ds Max. It provides a complete set of tools for scattering and art directing scene assembly, capable of rendering huge amounts of geometry.RailClone is an artist-friendly parametric modelling and spline-cloning plugin for 3ds Max. It can create objects by assembling, repeating and deforming geometry using an easy-to-define set of rules.As the authorized render farm of Forest Pack and RailClone, Fox Renderfarm supports the most popular 3D software, renderers and plugins all over the world, including 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender, V-Ray, Redshift, etc.With enormous computing power, Fox Renderfarm will continue to provide customers with a faster, safer, cheaper, smarter, and easier cloud rendering service, helping artists realize their dreams.

NEW BRAND, NEW COMMITMENT. RAYVISION-Our New Branding for FoxRenderfarm

NEW BRAND, NEW COMMITMENT. RAYVISION-Our New Branding for FoxRenderfarm


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm

As you know, in today’s dynamic markets, not many things stay the same and, sometimes, it’s essential to make changes in order to continue to progress. Well, we have done just that!In the spirit of innovation, we are proud to announce that we have changed our name to “Rayvision” from “Fox Renderfarm”.New brand name, but same key commitments to our clients!We may have changed our name but we haven’t changed our philosophy of always giving our best to our clients, which we have been doing for over 6 years, nor have we changed our powerful, cloud rendering team.We pride ourselves on having some of the most innovative, cutting-edge technologies in the markets we serve and will continue to be at the leading edge of our businesses.We still have clients in 35+ countries, 1000+ projects and over 18,000 satisfied clients, and plan to maintain the kind of company where everyone knows everyone's name, where employees are talented and loyal, and our clients are happy with us.With this name change, we are renewing our long-term commitment to all things Rayvision. Each one of us will be dedicated to improving Rayvision, extending the company’s reach, and expanding its capabilities plus, importantly, making sure our Rayvision clients continue to be treated like royalty!So…, same outlook, same commitments and skill sets, but new name:Rayvision – proud to serve you.

RAYVISION Provides 24 Hour Support for Their Clients

RAYVISION Provides 24 Hour Support for Their Clients


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm

Having developed smart processes for specialized service flow and customized rendering solutions, RayVision has invested in all the functions and systems of cloud rendering which makes things smooth and easy for the clients. Additionally, RayVision now provides 24-hour support for its clients to help and guide them through all the processes of rendering.RayVision’s service team comprises of experienced individuals in computer-generated imagery and graphics. The team members come from different parts of the globe, converging to the vision of providing high-end cloud rendering services through a highly reliable CG rendering platform.Support engineers of the Fox Renderfarm provide round the clock assistance to customers through the Skype Dialogue. Companies and businesses that are new to RayVision can also go through their Introductory Video Tutorial to get the basic idea about the various processes involved. Moreover, tutorial videos are also provided to everyone regarding the two rendering methods used by RayVision: Web rendering and client submission rendering.RayVision processes more than 20 million+ celluloid film frames each year with vast support of software and cloud rendering platforms. An employee commented, “Our team pays a lot of attention to understanding the requirements of various projects that we get. Our processes ensure that we know exactly what our clients want. Our hard work is reflected by our success stories: Mr. Hublot, a short 3D animated film that we rendered and provided our technical expertise for; won the Best Animated Short Film award at 2014 Oscars. Apart from that, the highest grossing Bollywood film, Krrish 3 was taken up as a great challenge by our team.”An official representative of RayVision further explained, “Amalgamating CG graphics in animations or films is not an easy task. It requires good communication across all channels and especially when it comes to rendering, clients want to make sure at every step that the product will meet their expectations. Therefore, it became necessary to make our customer support team readily available at all times for our clients.”About the Company:Ray Vision was formed in 2010 and was the first company to offer a cloud rendering platform to customers. In fact, the company is known to have pioneered “self-service cloud rendering”. The internet technology company specializes in cluster rendering, parallel computing technology, and provides the computing services needed for cloud rendering. Some of the company’s reputable customers include DreamWorks, SKG, Magic, and American Industrial Light.For more information, contact:Skype: fox**renderfarmLinkedin:**render

RAYVISION Offers Its Clients a Variety of Pricing Options Along With a Free Trial

RAYVISION Offers Its Clients a Variety of Pricing Options Along With a Free Trial


Fox Renderfarm News

Fox Renderfarm

The cloud rendering services  previously known as Fox Renderfarm, have rebranded themselves as RayVision. They now offer their clients a variety of suitable and affordable pricing options along with a free trial.Their pricing system has been called “remarkably accurate” by clients, and studios find it easier to trust them with their graphics because never charge for unsuccessful jobs. The website itself has a “Calculate Your Cost” section, which allows clients to calculate their prices by entering their rendering time per frame, the number of frames and the unit price. This transparency in pricing has made it easier for them to build a reputation and ensure a good customer base.Their pricing is divided into three categories to make the whole process easier for the clients. A VIP customer is charged $0.57 per node, per hour. Gold customers are charged $1.03 per hour, and ordinary customers are charged $1.36 per hour. The company personally claims that its charge is accurate up to seconds. Furthermore, for rendering film class projects; it offers further discounts, the details of which are available on the website.Image and video rendering projects generally require a high level of accuracy, and the quality expectations of the client are also quite high. Ray Vision aims to address this concern by allowing the clients to assess their services through a free trial. This makes it much easier for the clients to understand if their expectations will be met.A spokesperson for the company was reported to have said, “Our company has an exceptionally client-centric approach. We view each of our customers as individuals and we make sure that their expectations are met. We understand that they are the most important part of our business and make sure that they are satisfied, in terms of price, quality and customer services.”About the Company:Ray Vision was formed in 2010, and was the first company to offer a cloud rendering services platform to customers. In fact, the company is known to have pioneered “self-service cloud rendering”. The internet technology company specializes in cluster rendering, parallel computing technology, and provides the computing services needed for cloud rendering. Some of the company’s reputable customers include DreamWorks, SKG, Magic, and American Industrial Light.




Top News

Fox Renderfarm

Aspera's software moves the world’s data at maximum speed, regardless of file size, transfer distance or network conditions. At the heart of our solutions is our patented FASP® transport technology – a breakthrough transfer protocol that leverages existing WAN infrastructure and commodity hardware to achieve speeds that are up to hundreds of times faster than FTP and HTTP. Supporting deployments on premise or on the public, private and hybrid cloud platforms, and covering a wide range of server, desktop and mobile operating systems, Aspera software delivers end-to-end security, 100% reliability and exceptional bandwidth control. On December 29th, RAYVISION was authorized by IBM to be the reseller of Aspera.10/12/2015RAYVISION Established Cooperative Relationship with RedshiftRAYVISION established a cooperative relationship with Redshift development team. Redshift is the world’s first render engine fully based on GPU computing. RAYVISION got the permit from Redshift to provide GPU rendering service and to be an agent to sell Redshift renderer.09/12/2015RAYVISION Was Applicable to RenderManRenderMan is widely used in producing top-level moving images because of its extremely high quality and speed. It’s an essential rendering solution used in high level fields such as animation and film VFX. And besides the Pixar and Disney, many other famous production companies such as ILM and Sony are also using the RenderMan as one of the final solutions for rendering. On December 9th, RAYVISION was applicable to RenderMan.30/11/2015RAYVISION Proudly Became a Sponsor of Evermotion Annual Challenge Founded in 1998, Evermotion is a famous 3D model resource network in global CG industry. Evermotion creates and develops products that help CG artists with their 3d visualizations by speeding up their workflow and increasing their quality of output. As one of the world’s leading cloud render farms, RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) sponsored so many world-class challenges. This time, RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) proudly became a sponsor of Evermotion annual challenge.18/09/2015“Baahubali - The Beginning” Become Indian’s Top-Grossing MovieAs 2015 India’s top budget film, the historical Indian epic blockbuster “Baahubali - The Beginning” become Indian’s top-grossing movie. This movie was directed by renowned Indian director S.S. Rajamouli, co-starring Prabhas and Rana Daggubati. Baahubali's CGI visual effects were collaborated with a local company Makuta VFX. RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) was tasked with the responsibility of rendering the movie. RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) as rendering expert and probably one of the world’s largest render farms are eager to work with any production houses to produce top quality special effects as well as animations.20/08/2015RAYVISION Cooperated with the World’s Fastest Supercomputer Tianhe-2Tianhe-2 developed by the National University of Defense Technology is the fastest supercomputer in the world. A group of computer scientists and engineers who twice a year release the "Top500" list of fastest supercomputers measured the Tianhe-2 at 33.9 petaflops (quadrillions of calculations per second). That's nearly twice as fast as the Titan, which was relegated to the second spot on the list. RAYVISION partners with Tianhe-2 National Supercomputing Center in GuangZhou to provide better cloud rendering service.20/07/2015RAYVISION Sponsored Shandong University “Visual Computing Summer School” Talents CultivationShandong University Visual Computing Summer School was opened on July 20th, 2015 in Qindao, Shandong, sponsored by RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm) and other companies. More than 20 world-famous Visual Computing experts were invited to give lectures on general theory and development of Visual Computing, which can be compared with the SIGGRAPH Conference. Baoquan Chen, the president of SIGGRAPH Asia 2014, acted as the principal of the Visual Computing Summer School. Michael Liang, the president of RAYVISION, delivered a speech at the conference and gave his best wishes to the attendees.10/07/2015“Monkey King: Hero Is Back” Became a Myth in the Chinese Animation HistoryIn the era that Chinese animations are easy to become box office flop, the animated film rendered by RAYVISION survived and become a hit. As a backstage hero of Oscar Best Animated Short Film “Mr. Hublot”, RAYVISION rendered abundant magnificent Chinese Animation, such as “Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn”, “The Legend of Qin”, “10,000 Years Later”, “Robb Rabbit”, “Three Pigs and the Lamp”. “Monkey King: Hero Is Back” is the most outstanding animated film that becomes a massive hit and a myth in the history of Chinese Animation.16/06/2015Mili Pictures Partners with RAYVISION Inc. to Make World-class MoviesDuring Shanghai International Film Festival, Mili Pictures held a press conference announcing Mili Pictures officially teamed up with RAYVISION to form a strategic partnership. In the future 3 years, Mili Pictures will partner with RAYVISION to make 12 world-class movies to enter the international market.01/06/2015RAYVISION Developed “Drag-and-Drop” Render SubmissionRAYVISION’s highly praised Renderbus cloud render farm released a new generation of rendering platform. Instead of traditional web submission method, it was improved to “Drag-and-Drop” submission. You can get thousands of computing nodes from RAYVISION with only one second, and through API you can easily and seamlessly connect with present work environment pipeline, which realized fully-automated rendering.01/05/2015RAYVISION Established Coopreative Relationship with Chaosgroup V-rayChaosgroup is the developer of famous V-ray renderer. They have a large number of users in China. In 2011, RAYVISION has become V-ray’s official authorized render farm. This time, RAYVISION and Chaosgroup reached a long-term cooperation agreement.28/04/2015Aliyun Partners with RAYVISION Inc. to Provide Global Visualization Cloud Computing ServicesOn April 28th, 2015, Simon Hu, president of Aliyun Computing Co., LTD and Michael Liang, president of RAYVISION Inc., held a press conference in Alibaba’s Hangzhou headquarter announcing Aliyun officially teamed up with RAYVISION to form a global strategic partnership to provide global visual cloud computing services. Many honorable guests attended the press conference and gave praised speeches such as Michael Liang, the president of RAYVISION Inc., Zhang Qiang, the CEO of Alibaba Pictures Group Limited, Mr. Laurent Witz, the director of “Mr. Hublot” who won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film at the 86th Academy Awards, Nickson Fong, the winner of lifetime Academy Award for Scientific and Technical Awards in 2013 as well as representatives from famous VFX and animation studios.24/04/2015“Uncover Mystery of Oscar” Movie Seminar Was Held in Beijing Film Academy“Uncover Mystery of Oscar” Movie seminar was held in Beijing Film Academy on April 24th, 2015. It was jointly organized by Beijing Film Academy, China Film Industry Research Institute and RAYVISION. Many experts in entertainment industry attended this seminar. Laurent Witz (the director of Mr. Hublot) and Nickson Fong (Oscar winner for Technical Achievement) uncovered mystery of Oscar and discussed the creation of Oscar works from director’s perspective and movie technology.06/03/2015RAYVISION’s Input Storage Was Upgraded to SSD StorageRAYVISION’s storage server was upgraded to expensive SSD storage, with which there is no pressure for RAYVISION’s rendering platform, even if hundreds of thousands of machines are rendering a huge amount of files at the same time. It completely solved the problem of network io rendering storage, improved rendering efficiency further, and reduced the probability of frame lost.20/02/2015RAYVISION Cooperated with CGTrader to Sponsor Their CG ChallengesCGTrader is the highest growing, hippest and happening 3D model market on the Internet. It’s 230,000+ model library will serve all of your needs. Human faces, medical equipment, interior details, stylized characters and more are available. As for now, RAYVISION (Fox Renderfarm) has sponsored 6 CGTrader Challenges: 3D SciFi Challenge, CG Flora &x26; Fauna Challenge, CG Game Characters Challenge, First Model Challenge, Science/Medical Challenge and CG Wildlife Challenge.27/09/2014Michael Liang, the President of RAYVISION Inc. Was Invited to Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film FestivalThe 23th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival was held in Lanzhou province, China, from September 24th to 27th in 2014. Reputed as China's top film gala, the annual China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival has the longest history and greatest influence. It launches a series of cultural activities every year, including the appraisal of awards, the exhibition of Chinese and foreign new films, the academic seminars, the film trade fair, international cultural exchanges and entertainment performances. The festival is best known for its focus on academic fields, the extensive participation of the masses, and the unfixed host city. Michael Liang, the President of RAYVISION Inc. was invited to Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival and delivered a speech on the China Film Industry Development &x26; Financial Investment Summit Forum.08/08/2014“The Legend of Qin” Start a Trend of Chinese Animation“The Legend of Qin” produced by Sparkly Key Animation Studio is a motivated 3D animated film. The animation was adapted from a Taiwanese novel. Since its creation, it has attracted so many young Chinese audiences. RAYVISION provide the cloud render service for this animation. It takes 8 months with over 6000 scenes and 300 to 400 machines.31/07/2014“Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn” Won the Best Animated Visual Creativity AwardAdapted from a popular online game, “Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn” was released on July 31st, 2014. This animated film was directed by Song Yuefeng, rendered by RAYVISION, and produced by Mili Pictures and NASDAQ:GAME. The story and plot were designed by Bill Borden. It is a big-budget animated film with the features of epic, fantasy, adventure and war. “Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn” won the Best Animated Visual Creativity Award in Canadian International Film Festival.29/07/2014RAYVISION Sponsors CG Talents Cultivation ActivityIn order to educate and discover talent in CG industry, RAYVISION sponsors CG talents cultivation activity of SILKROAD EDU. RAYVISION provides coupons and cloud render farm courses for the outstanding students. Besides, RAYVISION’s cloud render technical team for 86th Oscar Best Animated Short Film will deliver lectures to these students face to face, and introduce the world’s most advanced cloud render farm technology to the future CG talents.23/06/2014Malaysian Flick “Ribbit” to Premiere at Niagara FestMalaysian Flick “Ribbit” to Premiere at Niagara Fest. The rendering part of this cartoon movie has been done by FoxRenderfarm which belongs to RAYVISION Inc. Canada’s Niagara Integrated Film Festival (NIFF) is taking place June 19-22, showcasing a hand-picked selection of films around the world. One of the premieres that will be featured at the event is the global debut of Malaysian animated film “Ribbit” from KRU International’s Kartun Studios. “Ribbit” won the Best Family Film Award at NIFF.03/03/2014“Mr. Hublot” Won the 86th Oscar Best Animated Short Film Award“Mr. Hublot” is a Luxembourg/France co-produced 11 min animated film won the 2014 Oscar for Best Animated Short Film. Produced, written and directed by Mr. Laurent Witz and co-directed by Alexandre Espigares. Designed by sculptor Stephane Halleux, the story is set in a realistic world that is a combination of steam punk and a bizarre futuristic world. As “Mr. Hublot” rendering partner behind the scenes, RAYVISION (FoxRenderfarm**) participated in the whole rendering process.

Sitara: Let Girls Dream, a Film Calls for Investing in Young Girls’ Dreams

Sitara: Let Girls Dream, a Film Calls for Investing in Young Girls’ Dreams


Fox Renderfarm Projects

Fox Renderfarm

Do you know that 1 in 3 girls in developing countries will be married before 18? Do you know that there are 12 million girls every year forced into child marriage, losing their ability to dream? It is what Sitara: Let Girls Dream, a Pakistani animated short film rendered with Fox Renderfarm, hopes to grow awareness about.Trailer of Sitara: Let Girls Dream Released on 8 March 2020 on Netflix, Sitara: Let Girls Dream, the CG animated short film written and directed by the two-time Academy Award-winning Director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, tells the story of Pari, a 14-year-old girl who dreams of becoming a pilot while growing up in a society that doesn't allow her to dream. The short film highlights the burdens of a family and the impact of a culture where girls are still struggling to fully realize their dreams.Fox Renderfarm is honored to get involved in this meaningful short film. During the production process, the production team encountered some challenges, especially the rendering part, while the production was running out of time. And the production team asked Ms. Doris Dong for help to choose rendering partner, who is a senior producer with 30 years of global collaboration experience on animation and game and Ms. Doris Dong finally recommended Fox Renderfarm for its mature cloud rendering technology, automated operation procedures and 24/7 professional service.With Ms. Doris Dong’s help and Fox Renderfarm’s fast and secure cloud rendering service, the project was finally completed on time and now the film was successfully released on Netflix, which is Pakistan's first Netflix Original.Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, the Director of Sitara: Let Girls Dream, is the recipient of two Academy Awards and seven Emmy Awards. With Sitara, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy aims to raise awareness about the child-bride epidemic in her native Pakistan and many other countries, and calls on the global community to break down the barriers that keep girls from pursuing what they really want.“Sitara is more than a film. It’s a movement that we want to start across the world that encourages parents to invest in their girls’ dreams freeing their daughters from the burdens of early marriage." according to the Director.Fox Renderfarm also hopes that by watching this short film, girls around the world will be inspired to achieve their dreams, and families around the world are willing to invest in young girls’ dreams, making the world more equitable and beautiful.

GoCreation Program Is Online Now!

GoCreation Program Is Online Now!




Fox Renderfarm is deeply committed to supporting CG artists and making it accessible to everyone around the world.GoCreation Program, one of the Industry Care Programs provided by Fox Renderfarm, brings the chance to all freelancers in the CG industry to enjoy affordable and secure cloud rendering service.What is the GoCreation ProgramAiming to foster the development of the industry, “GoCreation Program” is willing to provide preferential prices and subsidies for CG freelancers, empowering them to create more excellent CG artworks and realize their dreams.Please kindly note that this program only works for freelancers. And if you want to participate in this program, please click here to have a registration and get a Fox Renderfarm account first.What Will Accredited Freelancers GetAccredited freelancers will become our Gold Customer and enjoy 20% off for CPU rendering and 30% off for GPU rendering.For every single recharge of $500, he/she will be rewarded with a $100 render coupon; The accumulated rewarded amount is up to $2000. The render coupon is valid for 1 year.How to ApplyFill in the application form.After the application is approved, he/she will get the freelancer identity certification and enjoy exclusive offers!Welcome to be our accredited freelancers and enjoy the discount of Gold Customer and exclusive offers. Apply Now!Fox Renderfarm’s Industry Care Programs, including GoCreation Program, GoCloud Program and Fox’s Got Talent, provides special discounts for teachers, students, educational facilities, and freelancers in the CG industry.If you are a student or educator, you can participate in our GoCloud Program and receive your exclusive offers. And Fox’s Got Talent welcomes artists from around the world to share your artwork rendered with Fox Renderfarm and get free render credits.

Fox Renderfarm Supports Anima® Now!

Fox Renderfarm Supports Anima® Now!


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Fox Renderfarm

Fox Renderfarm is committed to providing fast and secure cloud rendering service for customers around the world, and now we support the software Anima®, the 3D people animation and crowd simulation application, for rendering on our platform!Anima® 4 is the people and crowd animation application developed specifically for architects and designers that will help you create amazing 3D animated people quickly and easily! Anima® 4 introduces a new and unique hyper-realistic 4D people animation system that includes facial gestures and clothing movements.With anima®, the native plugins for 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D and UE4, you can easily add 3D people and crowds with facial gestures and clothing movements to your CG scenes!As the authorized render farm of anima®, Fox Renderfarm supports the most popular 3D software, renderers and plugins all over the world, including 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender, V-Ray, Redshift, etc.With enormous computing power, Fox Renderfarm will continue to provide customers with a faster, safer, cheaper, smarter, and easier cloud rendering service, helping CG artists realize their dreams.

Fox Renderfarm New Year Special Offer 2022

Fox Renderfarm New Year Special Offer 2022


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Fox Renderfarm

Start your new year with a special offer from Fox Renderfarm!Thank you for your support and trust all the time. At the beginning of 2022, we provided New Year's gifts for all Fox Renderfarm users.NEW YEAR SPECIAL OFFER:Recharge $10, Get extra $50 CPU Render Coupon!Valid from January 24th to February 13th (UTC+8).Details:Coupon’s validity time: 1 month.Each user can enjoy the reward ONCE only.As the leading cloud rendering service provider, Fox Renderfarm will provide safe and fast cloud rendering services for our customers in the new year.Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year!

Key Words

3D Art Competitions|3D Tool|Trailer|Fox Renderfarm Promotion|Cloud Rendering Farm|Annecy Festival|MILESTONES|Fox Renderfarm|Desktop Client|Blender|Bollywood films|Hum3D Contest|NVIDIA|Silkroad Digital Vision|Malaysian Animated Films|Indiajoy|Architectural Visualization|CGarchitect Architectural 3Dawards|Best cloud rendering services|Render cloud|VFX|Upin & Ipin|Green Book|Fox Renderfarm Interview|Mission Mangal|Kre8tif!|Fox Renderfarm Mini Program|CG|CG Tech Summit Malaysia|film works|cloud rendering|Golden Horse Award|Shadow|SIGGRAPH Asia 2018|Morrigan Flebotte|VWArtclub Annual *Contest|Asswad Mouhamad|animation works|IMax Studio|Boonie Bears|Renderosity|Gary S. Kennedy|Evermotion Challenge 2018|Brian Beaudry|Bobby Bala|Mohit Sanchaniya|Katapix Media|Flying Car Productions|Razer|The Shipment|FoxRenderfarm|CG Tech Summit|Alpacalypse Productions|halloween|Hum3d Survial Car Challenge|Federico Ciuffolini|Ralf Sczepan|Iavor Trifonov|Clarisse|CGTS Malaysia|Isotropix|C4D|Tomasz Bednarz|V-Ray|Cinema 4D|MAXON|siggraph caf|Evermotion challenge 2017|CGTrader Space Competition|film of the year|Le Anh Nhan|Planet Unknown|Fox Renderfarm 2017 Achievements|CSFF|Julio Soto|boar 2017|Deep|SIGGRAPH Asia 2017|Chris Sun|Glass Cage|Making Life of Bri' n Chris|anthem studios|The Rookies|Peter Draper|Makuta VFX|Baahubali 2|CG Competition|enchantedmob|CG Studios|Academy Awards|CGVray|weeklycgchallenge|SketchUp|siggraph 2017|Chris Buchal|SIGGRAPH Asia|LightWave|Indigo Renderer|Rafael Chies|V-Ray RT|CPU Rendering|NVIDIA Iray|Chaos Group|OctaneRender|Redshift|STAR CORE|CICAF|VR|Mr. Hublot|Ribbit|GPU Rendering|Linux|Monkey Island|LuxRender|HPC|Render Farm|Life of Bri|WORLD LAB|Michael Wakelam|3D Rendering|Online Render Farm|Alibaba|Baahubali|VAX|Malaysia|2015 Hangzhou Computing Conference|Oscar|SIGGRAPH|CGTrader|Kunming Asia Animation Exhibition|Evermotion|RenderMan|


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