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Last edited on: 2021-05-14
Fox Renderfarm News
Fox Renderfarm

Fox Renderfarm is deeply committed to supporting education and wishes to contribute to the development of the CG industry. Which is why we’re proud to announce that Fox Renderfarm has built relationships with PIXL VISN Media Arts Academy and offers its students an affordable pricing scheme to support educational purposes.


Rendering is the process of generating a photorealistic or non-photorealistic image from a 2D or 3D model by means of a computer program.

Simply put, 3D rendering is the process of producing an image based on three-dimensional data stored on a computer. It is much like photographing or filming a virtual 3D scene.

In the background, the rendering hardware and software have to do a massive amount of mathematical calculations in order to translate the 3D scene’s data into images. The entire look of the final render is therefore determined by the modeling, texturing, shading, lighting and animation information combined together and rendered, pixel by pixel.

Breitling Navitimer Watch © Fabrizio Meli

Breitling Navitimer Watch © Fabrizio Meli


Fox Renderfarm is a leading cloud rendering service provider in the industry. Since the operation in 2011, Fox Renderfarm has earned a good reputation for its quality performance, great customer service, and flexible pricing scheme. To build a more secure cloud render farm that better protects the privacy of our beloved customers, Fox Renderfarm has successfully completed MPAA’s Content Security Best Practices and officially become a TPN Trusted Partner!

Fox Renderfarm has an outstanding team with over 20 years’ experience in the CG industry. Team members are from Disney, Lucasfilm, Dreamworks, Sony, etc. With professional services and industry-leading innovations, we serve leading VFX companies and animation studios from over 50 countries and regions, including two Oscar winners.

Fox Renderfarm


Founded in 2012, PIXL VISN media arts academy is Germany's leading educational institution in the field of 3D animation and visual effects (VFX). The training at PIXL VISN was designed in accordance with the training model established in North America and offers students 15 months of intensive production work in conjunction with the theory that is customary in the industry. With its team of passionate and talented professionals in the media industry, PIXL VISN is keen to guide its students on the way to become successful digital media artists. The graduates have worked on well-known projects such as "Game of Thrones", "Avengers: Endgame", "Disney's Dumbo", "Black Panther", "The Walking Dead", "Captain Marvel" and more.

The fact is that all of the students at PIXL VISN are constantly working on projects and then rendering them on computers. Besides, these computers are also used for teaching at times, so that it's not possible to render at full power during this time. Although PIXL VISN is constantly upgrading their hardware qualitatively, the issue of rendering always exists. Since the projects become more extensive and detailed over time, PIXL VISN requires more computing power, which is not easy to keep up.

This is what rendering at PIXL VISN looks like

This is what rendering at PIXL VISN looks like


Fox Renderfarm is perfectly aligned with the needs of PIXL VISN. From an ecological perspective, Fox Renderfarm is also notable for the fact that the electricity of its green data center used to run the servers comes from renewable sources such as wind and water energy. Every time you use Fox Renderfarm for rendering, you are making contributions to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, Fox Renderfarm is one of the top render farms in the world with plenty of rendering nodes and flexible resources, which ensure high speed and high quality rendering for students. The rendering time is saved by at least half compared to rendering on students’ computers.

Part of the render nodes © Fox Renderfarm

Part of the render nodes © Fox Renderfarm

Through the partnership, all PIXL VISN students will receive render credit at Fox Renderfarm right from the start and will automatically be assigned to the lowest rate. And they will also benefit from Fox Renderfarm’s technical team with professional production experience who can help with any rendering questions and provide valuable tips. In summary, PIXL VISN students can benefit enormously from this collaboration in the future.


Andrei Stirbu, the founder of PIXL VISN, said, "We are really excited to have Fox Renderfarm as such a powerful and renowned rendering partner. With state-of-the-art technical equipment, rendering still remains a special issue for PIXL VISN, since our students' projects are getting better and more extensive. Especially when project deadlines are getting closer, rendering cannot be underestimated. That's why we are sure that we need to give our students another special advantage through this collaboration."

Fox Renderfarm is also delighted about the new collaboration. Whitney Pan, Marketing Specialist at Fox Renderfarm, is responsible for the cooperation and said, "Fox Renderfarm sees a great obligation towards 3D visual effects education and wants to contribute to the further development of the industry. Therefore, we are very proud to collaborate with PIXL VISN and look forward to supporting PIXL VISN students in the future by providing them with the best technological resources."

PIXL VISN and Fox Renderfarm are both enthusiastic about the new partnership. The Statement of Cooperation forms a relationship and mutual recognition and commitment to work together for students to have better educational resources. The relationship recognizes the importance of communication, transparency, and policy support based on trust and respect.

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