
Autodesk Maya 2023.3 Is Out Now

Last edited on: 2022-12-13
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Autodesk Maya is a professional 3D software for creating realistic characters and blockbuster-worthy effects. Recently, its latest version 2023.3 was released, following the release of Autodesk 3ds Max 2023.3.

What's new in Maya 2023.3?

Maya brings enhanced tools so you can focus on your most important tasks and devote time on being creative.

1. Global Scaling for Proximity Wrap

This is the highlight of Maya 2023.3. This new functionality deals with the methods by which the location of the verts of the driver are used for deforming the inputGeoemtry.

The new 'Use Transform As Deformation' option specifies whether the transform of the driver is used as a deformation of the driver verts or whether it is kept separate. With the option turned off, the scaling and rotation of the driver are better preserved when used to deform the input geometry of the proximityWrap.

If the deformation of the driver has an implicit transformation, you can make this transformation explicit by going to the Node Editor, and connecting a matrix to the Proximity Wrap's 'Driver Cluster Matrix' attribute. This connection uses the transformation information to better preserve the rotation and scaling.

Autodesk Maya 2023.3 Is Out Now 1

Image via Autodesk

2. Optimized left-drag behavior

Reduce friction points in your workflow with a new setting added to the Animation (Settings) Preferences to control left-drag behavior. When Left-dragging moves selected keys is enabled, you can drag to move selected keyframes in the Graph Editor with a single click. When off, left-clicking only selects keys. This is useful if you don't want to move keys accidentally when working with dense curves.

What’s more, you can select your audio file frequency in the new Input Audio Rate menu in the Time Editor area.

3. Hyperhsade preferences

Customize your Hypershade work area with a new Hypershade preferences section added to the Preferences window which allows you to set default grid visibility, grid snapping, display modes, and swatch sizing.

4. Autodesk Translation Framework (ATF)

Autodesk Translation Framework (ATF) importer now supports Catia V5-6R2022 and Alias 2023 models for seamless data and file transfer.

5. Improvements to USD and Arnold

Outside the core software, you can enjoy the latest version of the Maya for USD plugin and integrated Arnold version.

USD for Maya 0.20 plug-in provides important stability fixes and feature updates for workflows such as editing Maya data and using display layers with the updated Universal Scene Description (USD) plug-in for Maya.

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Image via Autodesk

Besides, Maya 2023.3 ships with MtoA for Arnold which provides several bug fixes and performance improvements.

Learn more about Maya 2023.3

Read the Update Release Notes of Maya 2023.3


As a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm also supports Maya cloud rendering. We are offering a free $25 trial to every new registered user, so start rendering your impressive work now!

Source: Autodesk

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