Kaizen's new 3D competition, Lunar Landscapes, has successfully ended and received a lot of amazing entries. During Jesse's livestream, he announced the top 3 winners. Congratulations! Fox Renderfarm, the industry's leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm, is proud to continue sponsoring Kaizen's monthly challenge by offering our render coupons as prizes.
Winners Announced
The 1st Place - Webbo’s 'Moon Landing'
© Webbo
Webbo: "In 1961 JFK announces that by the end of the decade man will reach the moon... 'production' begins to make that a reality. This photo from the early 60's proves what happened... but it wasn't the first time something was faked... and wouldn't be the last."
The 2nd Place - Ramond’s 'Research in Moon'
© Ramond
The 3rd Place - Sanjay’s 'Lunar Treat'
© Sanjay
Sanjay: "A Well Known Space Agency sent an astronaut crew to the moon surface for some research purpose. Among the crew members there is a dog which is also been taken with them. Due to some technical failures they were crashed on the surface of the moon and some portions of the spacecraft were broken. Mainly the storage portion got more damage which makes the foods to float everywhere and the dog eagarly wants to grab it's favourite dish but it not possible to make it. "MANY A SLIP BETWEEN CUP AND LIP"."
Check out the art critique:
Let's look forward to Kaizen's next 3D challenge and if you want to follow the competition, you can access the Discord.