As a sequel to the 2015 Ant-Man Movie and Ant-man and the Wasp released in 2018, the newest Ant-Man Movie, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, is about to be on screen on February 17, 2023. This definitely is thrilling news to all the Marvel fans, as the movie was already delayed for a few years.
Image via Marvel Studio
Starring Paul Rudd as the Ant-Man, who is a member of the Avenger and who can shrink to an ant-sized man or grow into normal size flexibly, the movie focused on the Quantum Realm and a villainous character named Kang. According to the trailer, it seems that Janet Van Dyne (the Wasp), Scott Lang (the Ant-Man), and Hope van Dyne (daughter of the Wasp) are all sucked into the quantum realm.
Image via Marvel Studio
According to Peyton Reed, the director and screenwriter of Ant-Man, the biggest bad guy in the latest Ant-Man movie might be Kang the Conqueror, who has the ability to travel through different spaces. Heroes such as the Wasp and the Ant-Man are put up against Kang to save the world. Also, this may be the first time that the quantum realm is explored and put under the spotlight in the Ant-Man series.
Image via Marvel Studio
Can’t wait? Check the official trailer from Marvel:
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Source: Marvel Entertainment