Serving as a prequel to the John Wick franchise, the miniseries The Continental: From the World of John Wick will be released on September 22, 2023 on Peacock. The series is directed by Albert Hughes and Charlotte Brändström, written by Greg Coolidge, Kirk Ward, Shawn Simmons, and Ken Kristensen, starring Colin Woodell, Mel Gibson, Jessica Allain, Hubert Point-Du Jour, among others.
Image via Peacock
Image via Peacock
Image via Peacock
Official synopsis: The three-part event will explore the origin behind the iconic hotel-for-assassins centerpiece of the John Wick universe through the eyes and actions of a young Winston Scott, as he’s dragged into the Hell-scape of 1970’s New York City to face a past he thought he’d left behind. Winston charts a deadly course through the hotel’s mysterious underworld in a harrowing attempt to seize the hotel where he will eventually take his future throne.
Check out the official trailer:
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Source: Peacock