After the release of "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" last year, the young superhero Miles Morales once again appeared in the public eye and the film received widespread acclaim. Miles becoming a superhero as a teenager is something very cool in the eyes of his peers. As a young Spider-Man, does he have other worries besides fighting evil? In reality, he does, but they may be shown less in the movies. Teamed up with Kevin Love Fund, Sony Pictures released the short film "The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story," in which you can see how Miles feels under pressure and how he deals with it.
Image from Sony Pictures Entertainment
"The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story" was created and produced during the first year of the Leading and Empowering New Storytellers (LENS) program, initiated by Sony Pictures Animation and Sony Pictures Imageworks. It is directed by Jarelle Dampier, written by Khailia Amazan, and produced by LENS program creators Michelle Raimo-Kouyate and David Schulenburg.
Image from Sony Pictures Entertainment
In "The Spider Within: A Spider-Verse Story," Miles grapples with the delicate balance between his roles as a teenager, friend, and student, all while donning the mantle of Brooklyn's beloved Spider-Man. Amidst the complexities of his daily life, Miles finds himself confronting the weight of his responsibilities, culminating in a harrowing panic attack. Through this ordeal, he must confront the manifestations of his anxiety, discovering that seeking support is just as courageous as defending his city against nefarious forces.
Watch the short film here:
Source: Sony Pictures Entertainment
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