A new generation of spy families, the fifth installment of the Spy Kids franchise, Spy Kids: Armageddon, is coming to Netflix on September 22. Since the release of Spy Kids in 2001, the series has been released in 4 installments and has reaped laughs of many families, being a part of many people's childhoods. Spy Kids: Armageddon is directed by Robert Rodriguez, written by Rodriguez and his son Racer, starring Gina Rodriguez, Zachary Levi, Everly Carganilla and Connor Esterson.
Image via Netflix
Image via Netflix
Image via Netflix
"When the children of the world’s greatest secret agents unwittingly help a powerful Game Developer unleash a computer virus that gives him control of all technology, they must become spies themselves to save their parents and the world," reads the official synopsis.
Check out the official trailer:
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Source: Netflix