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Empire’s Echoes: The All-New "Star Wars: Tales of the Empire"

Last edited on: 2024-04-11
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Get ready to go to a distant galaxy in the latest Star Wars story, "Tales of the Empire." This animated anthology series is the newest gem in the beloved franchise's crown, with a Disney+ premiere scheduled for May 4, 2024. This series is set to rewrite the history of Star Wars with a plot that promises to explore the darkest reaches of the Galactic Empire. Prepare to meet brand-new heroes and return to familiar foes in a tale that takes place across a great deal of time and space.

Embark on a Galactic Journey with "Star Wars: Tales of the Empire"


Image from Lucasfilm Animation

The Star Wars universe is growing once more, and this time it will include an animated anthology series that is sure to delight both new and returning fans. There is already a great deal of excitement surrounding the May 4, 2024, Disney+ premiere of "Star Wars: Tales of the Empire".

The series boasts a stellar voice cast including Jason Isaacs as the Grand Inquisitor, Meredith Salenger as Barriss Offee, Lars Mikkelsen as Thrawn, Rya Kihlstedt as Lyn aka Fourth Sister, Diana Lee Inosanto as Morgan Elsbeth, and Matthew Wood as General Grievous. The creative force behind this series is none other than Dave Filoni, renowned for his previous work on other Star Wars animated series.

A Tale of Two Warriors


Image from Lucasfilm Animation

"Tales of the Empire" follows the intertwining fates of two warriors navigating the ruthless Galactic Empire during different eras. A vengeful young woman, Morgan Elsbeth, seeks a path of vengeance after losing everything, while former Jedi Barriss Offee must adapt to survive in a galaxy that’s changing faster than the speed of light. Their choices will shape not only their destinies but also the future of the Empire itself.


Image from Lucasfilm Animation

So mark your calendars for May 4th, and prepare to dive into a story that explores the depth of the dark side and the resilience of the human spirit. "Star Wars: Tales of the Empire" is not just a series; it’s a journey through the heart of the Star Wars saga, and it’s one you won’t want to miss.

Source: Disney+ & Lucasfilm Animation

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