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How to Build 3D Scene 'Zoro vs. Godzilla' in Blender

Last edited on: 2023-10-09
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Fox Renderfarm Interview

Organized by acclaimed visual effects artist pwnisher (Clinton Jones), the 7th Global 3D Rendering Challenge, Boss Fight Challenge, recently ended. It was a great opportunity for anyone to challenge themselves and nearly 3,000 entrants from around the world participated.

Fox Renderfarm, the industry's leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm, had the honor of sponsoring the rendering part of Gautam's artwork Zoro vs. Godzilla and interviewing him. Let's take a look at how Gautam learns 3D and makes his creations as a college artist, and how he accomplished this artwork.

Fox Renderfarm: Hi Gautam! We are honored to have you here! Could you please introduce yourself first to our readers?

Gautam: Hi, I am Gautam Kumar, 3rd year Architecture student from India.

Fox Renderfarm: What brought you to the 3D world? And what made you keep creating in the 3D world?

Gautam: Movies are the most important part that brought me to the 3D world. During my childhood, I got fascinated with how 3d makes imaginative things look real, and how it has no boundaries. My dream is to make my own studio which is what keeps me wanting to create new works.

Fox Renderfarm: Could you show us your first 3D work and your favorite one?

Gautam: My first project is a logo animation:

logo animation by Gautam

My favourite 3D work is my cars video:

cars video by Gautam

It shows how much I have tried to improve with time.

Fox Renderfarm: What 3D software, renderers, and plugins do you use? Which is your favorite and why?

Gautam: No doubt Blender is the best software for everything. It has its own render engines, many free helpful plugins and addons, and it’s free so everybody can use it. The best part is that it has a very relevant and active community.

Fox Renderfarm: As a college student, how much time do you spend practicing your 3D skills and how do you improve them?

Gautam: Due to my heavy schedule I don’t have much time during weekdays so I practice 4 hours every weekend. If we talk about improving it only comes from making something because learning is not the only solution for getting good or best at something, you have to utilize that knowledge and create something out of it.

Fox Renderfarm: Have you ever encountered challenges in learning 3D? If so, how did you overcome them?

Gautam: The main challenge that came with learning 3D is the hardware because you need good hardware to create a good 3D render. However, I overcame the challenge by just making something because at that time I had a PC with i3 4GB RAM which can hardly handle 3D renders. So I mainly learned modeling because it can support a viewport but it gets hung when the model becomes heavy. After I got a decent laptop I started my full animation journey.

Fox Renderfarm: Any artist or artwork that inspires you the most?

Gautam: Transformers movies are the turning point of my 3D career. If there were no Transformers movies I would have been doing something else.

Fox Renderfarm: After graduating, would you consider a job related to the 3D industry? If yes, is there a desired career goal?

Gautam: For now I am pursuing a degree in Architecture.

Fox Renderfarm: What inspired you to create your own YouTube channel and name it Tri-Core Studios? Will you continue to be active as a YouTuber in the future?

Gautam: It was my friend who suggested this idea. Regarding the inspiration for YouTube, I wanted a place to showcase my work as a college student and I think YouTube is the best platform for it. Yes, I will continue being a YouTuber in the future.

Fox Renderfarm: Could you show us your pipeline of your work "My Journey (Zoro vs Godzilla)" for the Boss Fight challenge held by Pwnisher?(With images would be better)

Gautam: First I created a concept art.

concept art

Due to having little time, I had to search models online and I got model for Zoro.

got model for Zoro

And started setting up the main scene and it was looking ok.

started setting up the main scene

For the king I tried to simulate fire through embergen but it was not working so I decided to change the main villain to Godzilla.

change the main villain to Godzilla

So I downloaded a free model of Godzilla for Sketchfab and remeshed it accordingly.

model of Godzilla 1

model of Godzilla 2

After that I complete my scene setup.

complete scene setup

And then added all extra effects.

After that I completed my animation work.

completed my animation work

And now its done.


Fox Renderfarm: Did you have any problems making "My Journey (Zoro vs Godzilla)"? How did you solve them?

Gautam: There were so many issues to deal with. There was one time because of my laptop issue, I got only 3 days to complete the project. Sometimes my Blender file crashes so I have to redo all the work which got deleted. Many times in the middle of working some unknown glitches appear that have to be fixed before moving forward etc.

Fox Renderfarm: After using Fox Renderfarm to render this project, how do you feel about our cloud rendering service?

Gautam: It was great and fast, very much satisfied with it.

Thanks again to Gautam. Good luck with your Architecture degree and making a name for yourself in the 3D world!

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