CGarchitect 3D Awards, the largest and most prestigious awards event for the architectural visualization industry, attracts talented Architectural Artists and students to show their amazing artworks.
Christian Paul Espinoza, one of the 2020 CGarchitect 3D Awards student nominees, is an Architect and also a student from School-ing, which is a 3D school specialized in Architectural Visualization.
© Christian Paul Espinoza
Christian’s nominated work is inspired by the idea of a post-apocalyptic world where people will live in isolated bunkers deep in the sea, since it is the only safe place so far. The picture shows a desperate man who can’t endure loneliness and end his life.
If you want to learn more about how he made the thought-provoking artwork, the exclusive interview between Christian and Fox Renderfarm will tell you the answer.
· Christian Paul Espinoza
· 3D Visualizer
· From: Mexico
Fox Renderfarm: Hi Christian, thank you so much for accepting our interview! Could you give us a brief introduction about yourself?
Christian: My name is Christian Paul Espinoza, I am an Architect. After working in different areas of architecture, Architectural Visualization caught my attention.
Four years ago I worked in an architecture office as a draftsman but I always paid attention to the visualization part, how we could generate those environments on the computer was impressive, then I ventured into the area retouching the work I did until I decided to focus on visualization and study formally.
© Christian Paul Espinoza
Fox Renderfarm: How do you feel about being nominated in the 2020 CGarchitect Architectural 3D Awards?
Christian: It was great for being nominated because it's an awesome award and it is good to know that the jury took my idea as nominated.
Fox Renderfarm: What’s your inspiration for this amazing project? Why did you select this artwork to participate in the competition?
Christian: The idea of thinking of a desolate place where it is difficult to escape and the only way is to jump, like the idea of taking certain risks without stopping to think and just doing it, I chose the image because I liked the idea of representing a story sad with few elements and that the color palette was the one that told the story.
Fox Renderfarm: How long did it take you to finish the work?
Christian: For the final work, it took me about 3 weeks from the moment I started to recompile references until I finished, working in the free time between class and class.
Fox Renderfarm: The isolated bunkers in your work are very industrial and futuristic, any reference? Could you tell us how you built them?
Christian: The reference images were the oil platforms that are in the sea, these impressive structures in the middle of nowhere have always caught my attention and how lonely it can be to live there, that helps to create many stories.
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Model Capture
Fox Renderfarm: The gloomy weather and the dropping man make people feeling sad and thought-provoking, what do you want to express through this work?
Christian: It's the story of a man who tries to escape from a desolate place, cannot endure the idea of being in that place and looks for a way out no matter how risky it may be.
Fox Renderfarm: Did you meet any difficulties when creating this work? And how did you solve it?
Christian: At the beginning it was difficult to generate the idea of the structures, I made some previous models but they did not convince me at all, sometimes it is difficult to conclude a personal project because you do not know when to stop, you always want to put more and more details but the registration deadline to the 3D Awards helped me define the final proposal.
Fox Renderfarm: Who or what project inspires you most in this industry?
Christian: There are several CG artists that I like whose works among them are Jaime Jasso, Jama Jurabaev, Tamas Medve and the list is very long.
Lost Temple City © Jaime Jasso
Wild West Unreal engine pack © Jama Jurabaev
Gallery in Warsaw © Tamas Medve
Fox Renderfarm: Have you ever heard of or used Fox Renderfarm cloud rendering services previously? If yes, how do you feel about it?
Christian: I had heard about Fox Renderfarm from some friends who had recommended it to me, I think it is a good service and I have heard good comments about the way of working and the platform.
Fox Renderfarm: Any other things you want to share with the CG enthusiasts?
Christian: I would tell them that they participate in the contest, it is a good way to show your ideas and put yourself to the test with your skills and continue learning from the other participants.
© Christian Paul Espinoza