Netflix shares a trailer for new 3D animated film, The Monkey King, which is scheduled for release on August 18, 2023, on Netflix. It's based on the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West, directed by Anthony Stacchi from a screenplay by Steve Bencich and Ron J. Friedman, with Peilin Chou as producer, and Stephen Chow as executive producer, featuring voices of Jimmy O. Yang, Jolie Hoang-Rappaport, and Bowen Yang.
Image via Netflix
Here's the official synopsis: "Unlike the other monkeys who live nearby, Monkey is born from a large rock. He looks different from everyone else, and he is different from everyone else — he’s imbued with magical powers. Unfortunately for him, his brazenness in the face of danger causes him to be cast out by his elders and peers. Years later, as a quippy adolescent, Monkey is determined to become an immortal king — which involves stealing a magical weapon from the dangerous Dragon King and defeating dozens of demons of all shapes and sizes. During his epic quest, he meets a humble peasant named Lin, who challenges him to become the best version of himself."
Check out the official trailer:
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Source: Netflix