This summer, DreamWorks Animation will bring us a new joyful animated film, "Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken," telling the story around the sea krakens and mermaids. After breaking her mother's rule against getting into the water, 16-year-old Ruby Gillman discovers that she is actually a direct descendant of the warrior Kraken queens and is on a mission to protect the ocean from the evil mermaids.
Image via Universal Pictures
Image via Universal Pictures
Image via Universal Pictures
The film is directed by Kirk DeMicco and co-directed by Faryn Pearl, produced by Kelly Cooney Cilella, featuring the voices of Lana Condor, Toni Collette, Annie Murphy, Sam Richardson, Liza Koshy, among others.
Meet this film in theaters on June 30.
Check out the new trailer:
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Source: Universal Pictures