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Is Cinema 4D Better Than Blender?

Is Cinema 4D Better Than Blender?




For artists, designers, and animators, selecting the best 3D software can be difficult. Two of the most well-known options in the 3D industry are Cinema 4D and Blender. Both are strong tools with distinctive features and capabilities, making them popular choices for both novices and experts. However, the question still stands: is Cinema 4D better than Blender? This blog examines the differences, b

How to Use PBR Textures in Blender

How to Use PBR Textures in Blender




Texturing can be challenging, and if you're a beginner, your textures will likely appear flat because you're not familiar with PBR textures. This article will help you understand what PBR textures are, where to find them for free, and how to use PBR textures in Blender.What Is PBR Textures?PBR (Physically-Based Rendering) textures are a set of texture maps which are used together like layers and s

Best Settings to Render Faster in Blender

Best Settings to Render Faster in Blender




Rendering can be slow sometimes and everyone will face this issue even if they have a good computer, however this article will tell you exactly what you have to do in order to render faster in Blender without losing the quality of the render by just optimizing some basic render settings.Render PropertiesOpen blender and head to the render properties, you can find that in the properties tab.If you

A Complete Tutorial for Using Blender Renderfarm

A Complete Tutorial for Using Blender Renderfarm


Render Farm Tutorial


Whether you have a slow computer or a laptop that renders your scene or project very slowly, or you're working on a large project or short film and don’t want to tie up your computer with rendering while you start working on the next shot, render farms can save you from this hassle. Render farms are just like farms of super high-end computers which can render your scene or projects really fa

A Complete Tutorial of Making Venom Effect in Blender

A Complete Tutorial of Making Venom Effect in Blender




Blender, as an open-source, free 3D software with powerful animation and rendering capabilities, is loved by numerous 3D artists. Many people wanting to enter the 3D industry choose to start learning with Blender and there are plenty of free Blender learning resources online. In this article, Fox Renderfarm, a leading Blender render farm and cloud rendering service provider in the CG industry, wil

Christopher 3D Discusses The Exciting New Features in Blender 4.3

Christopher 3D Discusses The Exciting New Features in Blender 4.3




Blender, the popular open-source 3D creation suite, is gearing up for the release of version 4.3, which promises many enhancements to improve rendering capabilities. This overview video, produced by Christopher 3D and sponsored by Fox Renderfarm—a fast and secure render farm that supports your Blender projects—highlights some exciting new features. Let’s explore what’s comi

The Release of Blender 4.2 LTS: Your Creative Playground

The Release of Blender 4.2 LTS: Your Creative Playground




The Blender Foundation just revealed some shocking news: Blender 4.2 LTS is now available, and it will revolutionize the game! This release is powerful for all artists, experienced or inexperienced. Now let's focus on the highlights.1. EEVEE Next GenerationOur cherished real-time render engine, EEVEE, received an update. Imagine having viewport motion blur, volumetric lighting, global illumination

A Sneak Peek at EEVEE Next in Blender 4.2 LTS

A Sneak Peek at EEVEE Next in Blender 4.2 LTS




Artists of 3D, unite! Get ready for a revolution in rendering. Version 4.2 of Blender, the most recent Long Term Support (LTS) update, is almost here and brings with it something revolutionary: EEVEE Next. With its enhanced features, this redesigned render engine promises to turbocharge your workflow and make real-time rendering a dream come true.What's Under the Hood?Two major issues that the EEV

6 Ways to Render Faster in Blender

6 Ways to Render Faster in Blender




As a Blender artist, there may be sometimes that you struggle with a long rendering time of your project. Maybe over 48 hours, you couldn't do anything as your computer is occupied with such stuff. But don’t spend too much time on it, you should just go ahead and find some ways to make faster your rendering time. Thus, the top render farm in the CG industry, Fox Renderfarm partners with YouT

Blender 4.1: A Leap Forward in 3D Creation

Blender 4.1: A Leap Forward in 3D Creation




The open-source 3D creation suite Blender recently launched Blender 4.1, its most recent version, on March 26th, 2024. Numerous enhancements and new features have been included in this edition, which aims to improve user experience and expedite the 3D development process. Now let's explore the main updates.GPU-Accelerated DenoisingImage from Blender.orgOpenImageDenoise, which uses GPU acceleration

Eclipse, Rebel Moon Inspired Animation Created by Hell FX Learn

Eclipse, Rebel Moon Inspired Animation Created by Hell FX Learn


Top News


As a leading cloud rendering service provider and render farm in the industry, Fox Renderfarm is a longtime partner of the YouTube channel Hell FX Learn, which has released the latest Blender tutorial on how to create the animated short Eclipse, inspired by Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon. Fox Renderfarm is proud to provide cloud rendering services for this amazing animation!Image via Hell FX Learn Image

Blender 4.0 is Available

Blender 4.0 is Available




Blender 4.0 is officially released, with the big number changes followed by some major improvements. The new update provides new content for the user interface, modeling, geometry nodes, rigging and animation, shading, rendering, video and compositing. Join Jonathan as he goes over the new features of Blender 4.0.Check out the Blender 4.0 new features official overview:Learn more about Blender 4.0

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