Disney shares a teaser trailer for a supernatural horror comedy film, "Haunted Mansion," which is scheduled to be released in theaters on July 28, 2023. The film is directed by award-winning filmmaker Justin Simien with a screenplay by Katie Dippold, starring LaKeith Stanfield, Tiffany Haddish, Owen Wilson, Danny DeVito, Rosario Dawson, Chase W. Dillon, Dan Levy, Jamie Lee Curtis and Jared Leto.
Poster Via Walt Disney
The film follows a single mother who wants to start a new life with her little boy in a surprisingly affordable mansion, but finds the house odd and seeks the help of a priest, who, however, enlists the aid of a team which consists of a paranormal expert, a psychic and a historian.
Take a look at the trailer and see if it reminds you of the Disney attractions.
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Source: Walt Disney Studios