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Is Cinema 4D Better Than Blender?

Is Cinema 4D Better Than Blender?




For artists, designers, and animators, selecting the best 3D software can be difficult. Two of the most well-known options in the 3D industry are Cinema 4D and Blender. Both are strong tools with distinctive features and capabilities, making them popular choices for both novices and experts. However, the question still stands: is Cinema 4D better than Blender? This blog examines the differences, b

Everything You Need to Know About Cinema 4D

Everything You Need to Know About Cinema 4D



Cinema 4D

One of the best 3D modelling, animation, and rendering programs is Cinema 4D, created by Maxon. It is well known for its adaptability and intuitive interface, which makes it a preferred option for both novices and experts. Cinema 4D provides the resources to realise your ideas, whether you're doing character animations, motion graphics, or 3D visualisations.Cinema 4D: What is it?A 3D software suit

Elevate Your 3D Projects with Cinema 4D 2025’s New Tools

Elevate Your 3D Projects with Cinema 4D 2025’s New Tools



Cinema 4D

The most recent version of Cinema 4D 2025, was recently made available, and it's jam-packed with innovations that will elevate your 3D modeling and animation projects. These upgrades are intended to improve your workflow and inspire creativity, regardless of your level of experience. Now let's explore the highlights!What’s New in Cinema 4D 2025MoGraph EnhancementsImage from MaxonYou can now

Cinema 4D 2024.5: Game Changer or Incremental Update?

Cinema 4D 2024.5: Game Changer or Incremental Update?



Cinema 4D

The most recent version of Maxon's industry-leading 3D software, Cinema 4D 2024.5, was just released. This version, which is jam-packed with new features and tools, is going to completely change how you produce eye-catching graphics.Even though there aren't many specifics at this early stage, we may anticipate that the new version will expand upon the solid base of its predecessor. Expect improvem

Cinema 4D 2024.4: New Updates, New Benchmark

Cinema 4D 2024.4: New Updates, New Benchmark



Cinema 4D

Maxon has recently released a new update for its flagship product, Cinema 4D. The latest version, launched on April 10, 2024, is a game-changer for 3D VFX artists and motion designers. Here are the key highlights of this update.1. Enhanced SimulationImage from MaxonAfter an update, the Connector Object may now support Rigid Body Simulations dynamic objects. Additionally, this release includes Aero

Exciting New Releases from Maxon: Redshift 3.5.24 and Cinema 4D 2024.3

Exciting New Releases from Maxon: Redshift 3.5.24 and Cinema 4D 2024.3



Cinema 4D

The company that powers the most popular 3D software in the market, Maxon, has been working hard to improve its main products. Let's examine the most recent releases' specifics: Cinema 4D 2024.3 with Redshift 3.5.24.Redshift 3.5.24: Turbocharged RenderingImage from MaxonVersion 3.5.24 of Redshift, the popular GPU-accelerated renderer among artists and studios, has been improved. This is what you s

Maxon Ships Cinema 4D 2024.2

Maxon Ships Cinema 4D 2024.2



Cinema 4D

Maxon has updated the latest version of its powerful 3D tool, Cinema 4D, and recommends this update for all 2024 users. In Cinema 4D 2024.2, new improvements featured in Simulation, Pyro, Animation, Exchange, Project Assets, Nodes and more.ImprovementsSimulationSet Deactivation parameters for Rigid Body objects in idleDamping override for Rigid Body, Soft Body, Cloth, Rope and Balloon tagScaling R

Cinema 4D Render Farm Tutorial: How to Submit Cinema 4D Tasks for Cloud Rendering

Cinema 4D Render Farm Tutorial: How to Submit Cinema 4D Tasks for Cloud Rendering


Top News

Cinema 4D

Learn how to speed up Cinema 4D rendering with Fox Renderfarm! We've posted a YouTube tutorial video that teaches you how to submit Cinema 4D tasks for Cinema 4D cloud rendering in our Fox Renderfarm desktop client. This tutorial is complete and will guide you step by step on how to use Fox Renderfarm with Cinema 4D.Check out our Cinema 4D render farm tutorial here:Fox Renderfarm is the CG industr

Maxon Ships Cinema 4D 2024.1

Maxon Ships Cinema 4D 2024.1



Cinema 4D

Maxon announced October release with improvements for many Maxon One products, including Cinema 4D 2024.1 and Redshift 3.5.20.What's New in Cinema 4D 2024.1?For new users, Cinema 4D now has a collection of fully stylized and render-ready scenes to help them get started.Speed enhancements made to MoGraph tools, especially on Effectors and Multi-instance Cloners.Bug fixes.What's New in Redshift 3.5.

Interview with MAXON About the Cooperation with Fox Renderfarm

Interview with MAXON About the Cooperation with Fox Renderfarm


Fox Renderfarm News


Fox Renderfarm is so glad to have the precious opportunity to have an interview with Friederike Bruckert from MAXON about their product Cinema 4D and how the cooperation could benefit both MAXON and Fox Renderfarm, please check the detail interview as below.Fox Renderfarm: Hi, would you please give a brief introduction about Maxon and your product C4D?MAXON: MAXON is a company founded more than 3

The War on Hoarding in Cinema 4D

The War on Hoarding in Cinema 4D



Cinema 4D

Fox Renderfarm, a powerful but affordable render farm, is glad to have an interview with CG artist Marien Singbo from Sweden who created ‘The War on Hoarding’, Episode 1: Toilet Paper.The animation short was made by Marien as a response to the senseless and irresponsible hoarding that's going on at the moment.Let's enjoy the short and the story behind!The War on Hoarding © Marien Singbo Artist: Ma

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