Netflix's live-action series "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is based on a fantastical world filled with colors of nature and extraordinary creatures. Framestore Studio utilized outstanding visual effects technology to breathe life into the creatures of the world of Avatar, including Appa, Momo, and Hei Bai.
To faithfully capture the essence of the original work and ensure the realism of the creatures, Framestore's visual effects teams in New York and London drew inspiration from real-life animals such as hippos, bats, monkeys, foxes, and rabbits. Art books also served as an important source of inspiration in portraying their movements and silhouettes.
Image from Framestore
As a result, thanks to the professionalism and excellence of the Framestore team, audiences can witness the lifelike Appa, the charming and agile Momo, and the awe-inspiring forest spirit Hei Bai in the series.
Check out Framestore’s VFX breakdown on YouTube:
Source: Framestore & Netflix
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