The new Disney film "Wish" will hit theaters this November and it will be the 62nd animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. "Wish" is directed by Chris Buck and Fawn Veerasunthorn, written by Jennifer Lee and Allison Moore, featuring the voices of Ariana DeBose as Asha, Chris Pine as King Magnifico, and Alan Tudyk as Asha’s favorite goat, Valentino.
Image via Walt Disney Animation Studios
Image via Walt Disney Animation Studios
Image via Walt Disney Animation Studios
"Wish" tells the story of a girl Asha, an idealist in the kingdom of Rosas, who makes a powerful wish that is answered by a little ball of infinite energy called Star. Together, Asha and Star fight against the most feared foe, King Magnifico, to save her kingdom.
Check out the teaser trailer:
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Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios