Disney's new animated series, Iwájú, is set in Nigeria and takes you on a journey into a different culture and story from it. To be more specific, Iwájú takes place in a futuristic Lagos which has the title of cultural capital. It is directed by Olufikayo Ziki Adeola with a screenplay by Adeola and Halima Hudson, featuring the voices of Simisola Gbadamosi, Dayo Okeniyi, Femi Branch, Siji Soetan, and Weruche Opia. Scheduled to be released on Disney+ on February 28, 2024, it will consist of six episodes.
Image from Disney+
The series follows a young girl, Tola, and her best friend, Kole, a self-taught technologist, as they uncover the secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds.
Check out the official trailer:
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
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