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Render Farm on Film and Animation Works 2018

Last edited on: 2022-07-04
Fox Renderfarm News | CG News
film works | animation works | cloud rendering | Best cloud rendering services | MILESTONES

There are still 18 days from the end of 2018. This year, Fox Renderfarm has achieved a good goal in film and animation works rendering. Below is a collection video of some of the animations and film works that we participated in.

The names of the works played in the video are:

  • Shadow
  • Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings
  • Legend of Fu Yao
  • Detective Chinatown II
  • Wolf Warrior 2
  • Ten great III of peach blossom
  • Baahubali: The Beginning
  • L.O.R.D (Legend of Ravaging Dynasties)
  • The Wind Guardians
  • Monkey Magic
  • Duck Duck Goose
  • Boonie Bears: The Big Shrink
  • Fights Break Sphere
  • Boonie Bears: Entangled Worlds

The above is just a list of some of the works we have rendered until 2018. If you want to know more details, you can visit our Customer page. As the largest render farm in Asia, we are constantly being recognized by our customers. More and more users are using our render farm, which gives us a good evaluation of our services and platforms.

Here's our evaluation at SIGGRAPH Vancouver 2018, one of the interview participants who used a number of render farms for multiple companies in the cloud rendering industry, if you don't know how to choose which render farm to cooperate, you can see the following video for your reference:

Fox Renderfarm has always focused on the cloud rendering services of film and video, we are good at summing up the real needs of users, and constantly follow the footsteps of users to improve our products, in order to give users a better cloud rendering service.

Fox Renderfam's render farm currently supports GPU and CPU rendering, a company that is rare in the cloud rendering industry to support both services. At the same time, we have thousands of rendering nodes, users can upload and render in real-time. This is also the advantage that we are different from others, and one of the reasons why many users like to use us.

We know that many enterprises encounter many headaches in the transmission of large files, such as video, the transmission speed is too slow, and the file transmission process is afraid of interception, loss and other accidents. Also, it is cost a lot of time when the file transfer process be interrupted, that means you should transfer again.

In response to the above problems, we have developed a large file transfer tool for users to choose, using a second to increase the transmission speed by 100 times. Moreover, our own render farm also has the application of this technology, which ensures that users can quickly complete the uploading of the work to be rendered and download, which greatly saves time.

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