The all-ages 3D animated action-adventure TV series, MechWest, shows us an interesting Western world and various adorable mechs. It is produced by the talented team AnimSchool Studios, which is a branch of the online school AnimSchool. The trailer and sneak peek of the Episode 1 have been released, and the full episode is expected to be released in full on YouTube in Q4 2023.
© AnimSchool Studios
© AnimSchool Studios
© AnimSchool Studios
The following is the official synopsis:
“In Fort West, servile, robotic mechs are regarded as mere tools by just about everybody except young Pearl West. Folks judge Pearl for treating mechs like pets, causing her to feel out of place and misunderstood. Her only real friend is her older brother, Pico, who is quite popular for his conventional cowboy skills. An unexpected spark of joy finds Pearl when she happens upon Six, an odd, childlike little mech who seems more aware and intelligent than any other. The two become instant friends, but their bond is tested when they are confronted by dangerous enemies who’ll stop at nothing to get their hands on Six.”
Check out the Episode 1 sneak peek:
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Source: AnimSchool Studios