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Corona 12 Update 1: Collaborate Faster with the Latest Features

Corona 12 Update 1: Collaborate Faster with the Latest Features



Chaos Group

The release of Corona 12 Update 1 has recently been announced, packed with enhancements to improve collaboration and address common challenges artists face. This update is available for both 3ds Max and Cinema 4D. In this article, we’ll highlight the new features and give you a sneak peek at what’s in store for the future.Image from ChaosWhat’s New in Corona 12 Update 1?Corona to

Chaos Corona 12: Elevating Your Rendering Game

Chaos Corona 12: Elevating Your Rendering Game



Chaos Group

The next level of architectural rendering is here, welcome! The all-new Chaos Corona 12 includes tons of features that will blow your mind. This update promises to revolutionize your workflow, regardless of your level of experience as a 3D artist or your curiosity. Let's see how Corona 12 can enhance your visualizations in more detail.Unlocking Creativity with New Features1. Corona to Vantage Scen

V-Ray 6 for Maya, Update 2: Chaos Unveils New Features and Enhancements

V-Ray 6 for Maya, Update 2: Chaos Unveils New Features and Enhancements


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Chaos Group

Chaos has released two updates for V-Ray 6 for Maya, the industry-leading renderer for Maya.Chaos Scatter is a new function for efficiently and easily scattering and instancing objects that are included in the first release, V-Ray 6 update 1. Moreover, it enhances V-Ray GPU and USD operations, incorporates Intel Open Path Guiding for quicker rendering, and includes additional skin glossiness and l

ChaosTV | Tutorial of Crafting Patterns with Enmesh and Rendering with V-Ray GPU

ChaosTV | Tutorial of Crafting Patterns with Enmesh and Rendering with V-Ray GPU




ChaosTV has shared a tutorial on how to make tile patterns using Enmesh.In this tutorial, you can follow Veso from the Chaos 3D team to learn how to create tile objects and the use of the V-Ray Enmesh Modifier. In addition, you'll learn how to set up and apply interesting materials to your tiles. Veso also demonstrates the versatility of Enmesh by demonstrating its use on curved surfaces.What's mo

3ds Max용 코로나 타일 맵 알아보기

3ds Max용 코로나 타일 맵 알아보기


CG News

Chaos Group

카오스 코로나 채널에는 코로나11에서 새로 도입된 기능인 코로나 타일맵에 대한 안내 영상이 게재되었습니다. 이를 통해 코로나 타일맵이 무엇인지, 설정 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.지금 영상을 확인해 보세요!00:08 코로나 타일 지도란02:15 타일 세팅의 기본06:04 확산 지도 설정 & 매핑 기본13:11 갭컬러 설정15:29 범프 효과 설정18:54 반사 불완전성 설정19:26 추가 입력 및 출력에 대한 빠른 메모20:43 서로 다른 타일 패턴을 선택하는 방법21:36 타일에 랜덤 변형을 추가하는 방법23:39 짧지만 재미있는 씬 분석출처: Chaos팁: 코로나용 렌더 팜을 찾고 있다면 CG 업계 최고의 클라우드 렌더링 서비스이자 렌더 팜인 Fox Renderfarm에서 제공하는 25달러의 평가판으

Learn Corona Tile Map For 3ds Max

Learn Corona Tile Map For 3ds Max



Chaos Group

The Chaos Corona channel has posted an instructional video about Corona Tile Map, a newly introduced feature in Corona 11. Through it you can learn what Corona Tile Map is and how to set it up.Check out the video now!00:08 What is the Corona Tile Map02:15 The basics of setting up your tiles06:04 Diffuse map setup & Mapping basics13:11 Setting up the gap color15:29 Setting up our bump effect18:

ChaosTV - Making Realistic Snow with V-Ray for 3ds Max

ChaosTV - Making Realistic Snow with V-Ray for 3ds Max



Chaos Group

ChaosTV has released a new tutorial of V-Ray for 3ds Max, showing you how to create a winter wonderland.In this tutorial, you can learn how to modify the ground geometry to make the snow-covered look using displacement and noise textures. They also guide you through the steps of crafting a subsurface scattering shader and fine-tuning it for a realistic snow effect.Image via ChaosWatch the tutorial

Chaos Releases Corona 9 for 3ds Max and Cinema 4D

Chaos Releases Corona 9 for 3ds Max and Cinema 4D



3D Tool

Chaos released Corona 9 for 3ds Max and Cinema 4D this October, as expected.Let's take a look at the main new features.Procedural Clouds;Corona Pattern;Edge Trimming (Chaos Scatter);Shutter Curve for Motion Blur;Depth of Field for Fisheye Cameras;Phoenix: let you create realistic simulations of fire, smoke, water and more;Chaos Scans: give you access to hundreds of realistic materials that are too

Chaos Releases Corona 10 for 3ds Max and Cinema 4D

Chaos Releases Corona 10 for 3ds Max and Cinema 4D



Chaos Group

Corona 10 comes out with some new features and bug fixes, focusing on simplifying your workflow and boosting your creativity.What’s New?Easily add cracks, dirt, stickers, etching, embossing, and more thanks to individual control over the material channels (Diffuse, Displacement, Metalness, etc.) affected by a Corona Decal.Image via ChaosFly cameras through smoke and clouds, or have them half-subme

Chaosは3ds MaxとCinema 4D対応のCorona 9を発表

Chaosは3ds MaxとCinema 4D対応のCorona 9を発表


CG News

Chaos Group

2022年10月にChaosは3ds MaxとCinema 4D向けのCorona 9を発表した。主な新機能紹介プログラムクラウドCoronaパターンエッジトリミング(Chaos Scatter)Motion BlurのShutter Curve魚眼カメラの被写界深度フェニックス:火、煙、水などをシミュレーションすることができる。Chaos Scans:通常のマテリアルではシミュレートできないほど複雑でリアルなマテリアルにアクセス可能である。Chaos Player:画像シーケンスを後に編集することができる。Chaosの画像詳細については、以下の公式動画をご覧ください:トップクラスのレンダリングサービスプロバイダーおよびレンダリングファームのFox RenderfarmはChaosのパートナーであり、Coronaにも対応している。Fox Renderfarmは新規登録者全員向けに25ドルの

Sneak Peek of Chaos Corona 10

Sneak Peek of Chaos Corona 10



Chaos Group

Shortly after the release of Corona 9, the development of Corona 10 is already on the Corona team's agenda. These scenes are currently internal test scenes only, but all features are now in daily build Corona 10, daily build for 3ds Max, and will soon appear in C4D.What's new in Corona 10?The clouds system added in Corona 9 can only be used in realistc mode with the sun, and the color of the sun i

Chaos Lançou Corona 9 for 3ds Max e Cinema 4D

Chaos Lançou Corona 9 for 3ds Max e Cinema 4D


CG News

3D Tool

O Chaos lançou o Corona 9 for 3ds Max e Cinema 4D em outubro, como esperado.Vamos dar uma olhada nas principais novidades.Nuvens de procedimento;Padrão de Corona;Corte de Borda (Chaos Scatter);Curva de Obturador para Desfoque de Movimento;Profundidade de campo para câmeras Fisheye;Phoenix: deixe você criar simulações realistas de fogo, fumaça, água e mais;Chaos Scans: dão acesso a centenas de mate

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